
Package "apt-xapian-index"

Name: apt-xapian-index


maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages

Latest version: 0.47ubuntu8
Release: xenial (16.04)
Level: base
Repository: universe
Homepage: http://www.enricozini.org/sw/apt-xapian-index/


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Other versions of "apt-xapian-index" in Xenial

Repository Area Version
updates universe 0.47ubuntu8.4


Version: 0.47ubuntu8 2016-04-14 08:07:48 UTC

  apt-xapian-index (0.47ubuntu8) xenial; urgency=medium

  * debian/patches/05_python3.patch: del the indexer instance explicitly
    before sys.exit(), so that it gets decrefed and freed before Python's
    implicit shutdown machinery can potentially leave an empty os module for
    ServerProgress.__del__() to find. (LP: #1530518)

 -- Barry Warsaw <email address hidden> Wed, 13 Apr 2016 17:36:22 -0400

1530518 /etc/cron.weekly/apt-xapian-index reports TypeError

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