
Package "haproxy"

Name: haproxy


fast and reliable load balancing reverse proxy

Latest version: 2.0.33-0ubuntu0.1
Release: focal (20.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main
Homepage: http://www.haproxy.org/


Download "haproxy"

Other versions of "haproxy" in Focal

Repository Area Version
base main 2.0.13-2
base universe 2.0.13-2
security universe 2.0.31-0ubuntu0.3
security main 2.0.31-0ubuntu0.3
updates universe 2.0.33-0ubuntu0.1


Version: 2.0.13-2ubuntu0.1 2020-09-24 09:06:52 UTC

  haproxy (2.0.13-2ubuntu0.1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Backport dns related fixes from git to resolve crashes when
    using do-resolve action (LP: #1894879)
    - BUG/CRITICAL: dns: Make the do-resolve action thread safe
    - BUG/MEDIUM: dns: Release answer items when a DNS resolution is freed
    - BUG/MEDIUM: dns: Don't yield in do resolve action on a final

 -- Simon Deziel <email address hidden> Tue, 08 Sep 2020 17:16:14 +0000

1894879 frequent crashes when using do-resolve()

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