
Bugs fixes in "vm-builder"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1287943 vm-builder needs trusty suite 2014-11-04
Launchpad 1287943 vm-builder needs trusty suite 2014-03-06
Launchpad 1174148 Can't build a raring VM 2014-01-24
Launchpad 1174148 Can't build a raring VM 2013-05-09
Launchpad 1008225 vmbuilder fails using tmpfs due to upstart restarting cron in the tmpfs 2013-01-03
Launchpad 1008225 vmbuilder fails using tmpfs due to upstart restarting cron in the tmpfs 2012-08-29
Launchpad 911704 vmbuilder fails with "device-mapper: remove ioctl failed: No such device or address" - Wrong device name loop0pp1 2012-01-18
Launchpad 531599 device mappings for partitions not removed after build using --raw, leading to filesystem corruption 2011-12-22

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