
Bugs fixes in "linux-signed-oem-6.5"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1786013 Packaging resync 2024-03-21
Launchpad 1786013 Packaging resync 2024-03-18
Launchpad 1786013 Packaging resync 2023-11-21
Launchpad 1786013 Packaging resync 2023-11-21
Launchpad 2027818 SIGNEDv5: add ubuntu-core-initrd support to the linux-generate ancillary package 2023-10-03
Launchpad 2027818 SIGNEDv5: add ubuntu-core-initrd support to the linux-generate ancillary package 2023-10-03
Launchpad 2027818 SIGNEDv5: add ubuntu-core-initrd support to the linux-generate ancillary package 2023-09-16

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