
Package "postgresql-10-mimeo"

This package belongs to a PPA: Postgresql

Name: postgresql-10-mimeo


specialized, per-table replication between PostgreSQL instances
Mimeo is a PostgreSQL extension that provides specialized, per-table
replication between PostgreSQL instances. It currently provides snapshot
(whole table copy), incremental (based on an incrementing timestamp or id),
and DML (inserts, updates and deletes) replication methods.

Latest version: 1.5.1-9.pgdg16.04+1
Release: xenial-pgdg
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: mimeo
Homepage: https://github.com/omniti-labs/mimeo


Download "postgresql-10-mimeo"

Other versions of "postgresql-10-mimeo" in Xenial-pgdg

Repository Area Version
PPA: Postgresql 1.5.1-4.pgdg14.04+2
PPA: Postgresql 1.5.1-17.pgdg22.04+1
PPA: Postgresql 1.5.1-14.pgdg18.04+1
PPA: Postgresql 1.5.1-17.pgdg20.04+1


Version: 1.5.1-9.pgdg16.04+1 2020-10-16 17:08:38 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 1.5.1-8.pgdg16.04+1 2020-10-12 23:08:16 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 1.5.1-7.pgdg16.04+1 2019-11-28 15:08:09 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 1.5.1-6.pgdg16.04+1 2019-11-19 14:09:09 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

Version: 1.5.1-5.pgdg16.04+1 2019-11-11 12:07:59 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

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