
Package "libpg-query1605.1"

This package belongs to a PPA: Postgresql

Name: libpg-query1605.1


C library for accessing the PostgreSQL parser outside of the server environment
This library uses the actual PostgreSQL server source to parse SQL queries and
return the internal PostgreSQL parse tree.

Latest version: 16-5.1.0-2.pgdg22.04+1
Release: jammy-pgdg
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: libpg-query
Homepage: https://github.com/pganalyze/libpg_query


Download "libpg-query1605.1"

Other versions of "libpg-query1605.1" in Jammy-pgdg

Repository Area Version
base universe 16-5.1.0-2
PPA: Postgresql 16-5.1.0-2.pgdg20.04+1


Version: 16-5.1.0-2.pgdg22.04+1 2024-01-12 10:09:18 UTC
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