
Package "aptdaemon"

This package belongs to a PPA: Mint Upstream

Name: aptdaemon


transaction based package management service
Aptdaemon allows normal users to perform package management tasks, e.g.
refreshing the cache, upgrading the system, installing or removing software

Currently it comes with the following main features:

- Programming language independent D-Bus interface, which allows one to
write clients in several languages
- Runs only if required (D-Bus activation)
- Fine grained privilege management using PolicyKit, e.g. allowing all
desktop user to query for updates without entering a password
- Support for media changes during installation from DVD/CDROM
- Support for debconf (Debian's package configuration system)
- Support for attaching a terminal to the underlying dpkg call

This package contains the aptd script and all the data files required to run
the daemon. Moreover it contains the aptdcon script, which is a command
line client for aptdaemon. The API is not stable yet.

Latest version: 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu39mint1
Release: vera
Level: base
Repository: upstream
Homepage: https://launchpad.net/aptdaemon


Download "aptdaemon"

Other versions of "aptdaemon" in Vera

Repository Area Version
base universe 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu44
base main 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu44
PPA: Mint Upstream 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu44mint1

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Version: 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu39mint1 2023-01-31 20:09:34 UTC
This repository doesn't support changelogs.

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