
Package "warsow-server"

This package belongs to a PPA: GetDeb Games

Name: warsow-server


Server and TV server for the Warsow 3D first person shooter
Warsow is a fast paced first person shooter consisting of cel-shaded
cartoon-like graphics with dark, flashy and dirty textures. Warsow is based on
the E-novel "Chasseur de bots" ("Bots hunter" in English) by Fabrice Demurger.
Warsow's codebase is built upon Qfusion, an advanced modification of the Quake
II engine.

This package installs the standalone server and TV server for Warsow.

Latest version: 2.01-1~getdeb1
Release: trusty (14.04)
Level: getdeb
Repository: games
Head package: warsow
Homepage: https://www.warsow.gg/


Download "warsow-server"

Other versions of "warsow-server" in Trusty

No other version of this package is available in the Trusty release.


Version: 2.01-1~getdeb1 2015-12-20 15:08:17 UTC

warsow (2.01-1~getdeb1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version

 -- Christoph Korn Sat, 19 Dec 2015 18:04:57 +0100

Version: 2.0-1~getdeb1 2015-12-13 00:08:00 UTC

warsow (2.0-1~getdeb1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version
    + Switched to Creative Commons license for media assets.
    + Added full out-of-the-box gamepad support (XInput on Windows, SDL on
    Linux and OS X).
    + The engine automatically lowers the frame rate to 24 FPS and enables
    sleep state when the game is minimized.
    + Multi-threading improvements for the following; fixed race conditions,
    reduced latency and the amount of context switches.
    + .pk3 files explicitly named as "pure" are now preferred to different
    .pk3 files.
    + Restricted downloads of binary modules and "pure" content to official
    Warsow web mirror.
    + Greatly reduced memory footprint for fonts (especially for CJK).
    + Pressing Escape key during the map load or connection set-up will now
    cancel the process much quicker.
    + New high resolution "flat" icon.
    + Maximum refresh rate now defaults to 250 fps.
    + It is now possible to pause demo playback at the end of a demo file,
    instead of dropping to main menu (see "demo" command help).
    + Added "flipped view" mode, set "cl_flip" to "1" to enable.
    + Use HTTPS for secure authentication to matchmaker.

    + 30% to 50% overall performance improvement.
    + Greatly reduced VRAM footprint for textures.
    + Added support for texture arrays, used for lightmaps.
    + Added KTX texture format support.
    + Enabled binary cache for GLSL programs to speed up startup time by
    default now.
    + Enabled multi-threading to speed up map loading by default now.
    + Curved meshes are now optimized to remove excessive polygons.
    + Changed rendering order so that the sky is now rendered after world
    geometry to minimize overdraw.
    + Fixed infinite far clipping plane calculations.
    + The renderer now queries the operating system for available screen
    + Shadowmaps now account for normals of geometry they are cast on, making
    them less prone to be visible through walls and ceilings.
    + Added "stencilTest" shader keyword.
    + Added per map colour correction support. Toggle-able with
    cg_colorCorrection 0/1, maps can define colorCorrection key
    in worldspawn to use color correction profile.
    - Removed "vid_mode", "vid_customwidth" and "vid_customheight" console
    variables in favour of "vid_width" and "vid_height" for video
    - Dropped support for "noDepthTest" shader keyword.
    - Dropped "r_colorbits" console variable (used to set desktop colour

    + New Tutorial game mode.
    + Added 3 new awards:
    ++ First Frag (awarded to the first fragger);
    ++ Fair Play (say "gg" to your opponents during the post-match using the
    chat or the vsay);
    ++ Man of the Match (You must score the most + achieve the ""Fair Play"
    award). -See above-.
    + Added sounds for Lasergun, Electrobolt and Instagun impacts.
    + New spawn points selection algorithm: returns the furthest point to
    which there's less than 4 points on the map; otherwise it returns to a
    random one, excluding the closest 3 points.
    + Ammo packs dropped on a players deaths, now actually contain strong
    + The movement style now defaults to "old movement", set
    "cg_movementStyle" to "1" for "new movement".
    + Incorporated a number of movement fixes from Racesow.
    + Ranked servers will now announce a players profile name at warsow.net
    alongside the nickname of the players entrance to the server.
    + On ranked servers, the "players" command now also prints login names
    for authenticated players.
    + After joining a server, the game menu is now opened automatically.
    + On ranked servers, certain votes now require players to be
    + Votes now ignore AFK players.
    + In round-based game modes, in-active players are not removed until the
    beginning of the next round.
    + Added bot navigation files for wda5 and wbomb6.
    + Player movement prediction now works properly when riding a moving
    + New RL/GL trail effect, cg_rocketTrail & cg_grenaderTrail merged into
    + Bots will now ignore chatting players.
    + Reduced respawn sound volume by 35%.
    + Added new callvote options "shuffle" and "rebalance".
    + Decreased weapon respawn timer to 10 in Duel.
    + In bomb, players can now move at crouch speed during the pre-round;
    upped maximum running speed to 320ups.
    - Removed 'Team Domination' game mode.

    + New "illuminati" gibs.
    + New Instagun & Electrobolt decals.
    + New "simple items" sprites.
    + New teleportation\spawn effect.
    + New EB beam texture for cg_ebbeam_old 1.
    + New default EB beam effect.
    + New Lasergun beam, added hit model for LG endpoint.
    + New bullet hit decal and model.
    + Improved rocket launcher projectile texture.
    + Added gloss textures for BigVic and Bobot player models.
    + Added cg_viewBob, viewport smoothing/bobbing to falling/high jumps.
    + Bomb model colour follows the planted state dynamic light color (red
    when planted, orange normally).
    + Disabling gun "bobbing" now also disables fire and idle gun animations.
    + New damage hit effect (cg_showBloodTrail).

    + Reduced Rocket Launcher pick-up ammo count to 5.
    + Reduced Lasergun and Plasmagun pick-up ammo count to 50.
    + Increased Lasergun and Plasmagun ammo box count to 100.
    + Increased Electrobolt ammo box count to 10.
    + Removed custom gravity and friction from Grenade Launcher projectiles.
    + Unified knockback of Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher to 100.
    + Unified minimum knockback of Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher to
    + Unified splash radius of Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher to 125.
    + Changed Gunblade full recharge and reload time to 600ms.
    + Changed Gunblade projectile damage, splash radiu

Version: 1.51-1~getdeb1 2014-06-09 20:08:42 UTC

warsow (1.51-1~getdeb1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version
    - Engine:
     + Bugfix: builtin HTTP server now accepts URL-encoded resource URI's in
     + Improvement: faster map loading times.
    - Renderer:
     + Feature: use binary cache for GLSL programs to improve startup time
     (cvar "gl_ext_get_program_binary", off by default).
     + Feature: asynchronous texture loader (cvar "r_multithreading", off by
     + Improvement: a lightweight GLSL shader is now used for simple
     materials with no normalmap, gloss or decals.
    - Sound:
     + Feature: added multithreading support: sound mixer and background
     music loader now run in separate threads.
     + Improvement: normalized some of the game sounds to 0.9db.
    - UI:
     + Bugfix: fixed announcer volume slider.
     + Bugfix: other bugfixes.
    - Models:
     + Improvement: tuned Jason PadPork skin images for better performance
     and visibility.
    - HUD:
     + Bugfixes.
    - Windows:
     + Improvement: Warsow process isn't bound to single CPU core anymore
     (used to be a workaround for glitches caused by NVidia's 'Threaded
     OpenGL optimization")
    - Linux:
     + Improvement: gamma ramp size can now take values up to 4096.

 -- Jhonny Oliveira Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:06:01 +0200

Version: 1.5-1~getdeb1 2014-05-07 23:10:56 UTC

warsow (1.5-1~getdeb1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version (LP: #1316809)

 -- Christoph Korn Wed, 07 May 2014 20:42:21 +0200

1316809 [Update Package] Warsow 1.5

Version: 1.03-1~getdeb2 2014-04-21 06:59:35 UTC

warsow (1.03-1~getdeb2) precise; urgency=low

  * Re-make debian package

 -- Jhonny Oliveira Sun, 24 Nov 2013 15:46:04 +0200

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