
Package "imageindex"

Name: imageindex


generate static HTML galleries from images

Latest version: 1.1-3
Release: xenial (16.04)
Level: base
Repository: universe
Homepage: http://www.edwinh.org/imageindex/


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Other versions of "imageindex" in Xenial

No other version of this package is available in the Xenial release.


Version: 1.1-3 2016-04-15 07:07:03 UTC

  imageindex (1.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Adapt to perl 5.22
    Closes: #815686
  * Moved to pkg-phototools maintenance
  * cme fix dpkg-control
  * Depends: libimage-magick-perl (instead of transitional package perlmagick)
    Closes: #789231
  * debhelper 9
  * polish d/rules
  * wrote watch file
  * DEP5

 -- Andreas Tille <email address hidden> Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:53:54 +0200

815686 imageindex: Does not work with Perl 5.22 - Debian Bug report logs
789231 imageindex depends on transition package perlmagick - Debian Bug report logs

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