
Package "kubuntu-notification-helper"

Name: kubuntu-notification-helper


Kubuntu system notification helper

Latest version: *DELETED*
Release: trusty (14.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: universe
Homepage: https://launchpad.net/kubuntu-notification-helper


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Other versions of "kubuntu-notification-helper" in Trusty

Repository Area Version
base universe 14.04ubuntu11

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Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 14.04ubuntu8 2014-03-17 15:07:17 UTC

  kubuntu-notification-helper (14.04ubuntu8) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Catch another source of PermissionError in whoopsie-upload-all,
    this should now handle all sources of permission errors LP: #1281884
  * Implement simple unique application tracking by registering on dbus,
    this prevents multiple invocation triggers. Also, the long
    upload timeout is less concerning with a unique application.
    + Depends on python3-dbus
  * Upload timeout reduced from 30 minutes to 15 minutes. This is just as
    arbitrary a value, but really 15 minutes should be more than enough time
    for most systems. With a 30 minute timeout and a bad connection one
    can easily get into a situation where upload-all is running 24/7, reducing
    the timeout improves this at least slightly.
  * Try apport report add_*() and except (OSError, SystemError, ValueError) to
    prevent unhandled exceptions when the system runs out of disk space for
    example LP: #1292766
 -- Harald Sitter <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:06:34 +0100

1281884 whoopsie-upload-all crashed with PermissionError in process_report(): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/crash/_usr_bin_akonadi_googlecalendar_resou
1292766 whoopsie-upload-all crashed with OSError in write(): [Errno 28] No space left on device

Version: *DELETED* 2014-02-21 02:07:06 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 14.04ubuntu6 2014-02-20 16:07:18 UTC

  kubuntu-notification-helper (14.04ubuntu6) trusty; urgency=low

  [ Harald Sitter ]
  * Prevent events from spwaning more than one notifier item at a time.
    Notifications are still issued whenever show() is called as they serve
    a reminding purpose. LP: #1275427
  * Drop ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt depends (upgrade handling moved to muon)
  * Implement L10nEvent notifying the user once (after login) if the language
    support is incomplete and uses qapt-batch to complete it.
    + Add new build dep on libkubuntu to do completeness checks.
  * Event::show now only manually dispatches a KNotification iff tray icons
    are deactivated. KSNI has a dedicated showMessage function that handles
    issuing a notification for a present KSNI, this also avoids pixmap passing
    in default installation giving an overall better quality.
  * Bump KNotification pixmap size to 32x32 (from 22x22) to reduce amount of
    ugly scaling artifacts (going up or down from 32 is more reasonable than
    for example 22 to 64 - as would be the case with a plasma notification).
  * Drop unused kcm_notificationhelper-es.po (supposedly the export from
    launchpad went wrong in 13.10)
  * Change module.cpp init list to c++11 'nullptr' and fix indention level

  [ Rohan Garg ]
  * Add a DriverEvent class to show notifications when the system has extra
    drivers that can be installed.
    + Misc. bug fixes
      - LP: #128208 , LP: #1282082 , LP: #1282085 , LP: #1282471 ,
        LP: #1282468 , LP: #1282074 , LP: #1282462, LP: #1282095 ,
        LP: #1282464
  * Add runtime dep on kubuntu-driver-manager
 -- Rohan Garg <email address hidden> Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:22:31 +0100

1275427 every apt-get run spawns additional reboot notification icon
128208 [Gutsy] tribe 3 sound driver modules fail to install on Dell Latitude D810
1282082 driverevent wastes cpu time
1282085 driverevent needlessly queries apt cache
1282471 driverevent additon not documented in changelog
1282468 m_driverEvent not init'd to nullptr
1282074 driverevent has timing issue
1282462 driverevent has apparently private files stored outside its source dir
1282095 driverevent makes incorrect assertations
1282464 driverevent needs to reopen the xapian index

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