
Package "printer-driver-foo2zjs"

Name: printer-driver-foo2zjs


printer driver for ZjStream-based printers

Latest version: 20140209dfsg0-1ubuntu1
Release: trusty (14.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: foo2zjs
Homepage: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/


Download "printer-driver-foo2zjs"

Other versions of "printer-driver-foo2zjs" in Trusty

No other version of this package is available in the Trusty release.


Version: 20140209dfsg0-1ubuntu1 2014-02-19 01:07:44 UTC

  foo2zjs (20140209dfsg0-1ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Matthias Klose ]
  * printer-driver-foo2zjs-common: Suggest tix instead of recommending it.
 -- Till Kamppeter <email address hidden> Tue, 18 Feb 2013 23:59:59 +0100

Source diff to previous version

Version: 20140209dfsg0-1 2014-02-18 19:08:04 UTC

  foo2zjs (20140209dfsg0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New 20140209 upstream release.

  * DFSG repack (no changes from previous releases).
    - remove binary file c5200mono.prn
    - remove crd/qpdl/CLP* , because copyright is unclear

  * Use dh_pyppd's --archive-filename option instead of renaming the
    archive by hand
  * Refresh patches, update the spelling fixes'
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 without changes needed

 -- Didier Raboud <email address hidden> Tue, 11 Feb 2014 09:57:22 +0100

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