
Package "sl-modem-source"

Name: sl-modem-source


SmartLink software modem driver - module building source

Latest version: 2.9.11~20110321-6
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: base
Repository: multiverse
Head package: sl-modem
Homepage: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/


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Repository Area Version
updates multiverse 2.9.11~20110321-6ubuntu1


Version: 2.9.11~20110321-6 2011-12-29 14:04:23 UTC

  sl-modem (2.9.11~20110321-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/sl-modem-source.dkms: Conditionally build slamr for 32-bit archs
    only. This is possible since dkms.conf is actually sourced by a shell
    script. Thanks to Ben Hutchings <email address hidden>
  * debian/control: sl-modem-source is made available for amd64 arch

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