
Package "software-center"

Name: software-center


Utility for browsing, installing, and removing software

Latest version: 5.2.10
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main
Homepage: https://launchpad.net/software-center


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Repository Area Version
base main 5.2


Version: 5.2.1 2012-05-04 05:08:55 UTC

software-center (5.2.1) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  [ Michael Vogt ]
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp977179:
    - make the review UI react correctly to conditions of network
      availability (LP: #977179)
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-crash-deb-file-size-calc:
    - fix crash when installing a deb file that is not found in
      the current apt cache
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp981992:
    - fix a crash in the new a11y code if there is a row that has
      no data or is not yet preloaded (LP: #981992)
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-gmenu-searcher:
    - fix the menu searcher for non-Unity configurations after
      the app-install-data-ubuntu file layout changed
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp808455:
    - trivial fix for crash on downstream distros (LP: #808455)
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp927262:
    - fix crash when get_vadjustment() returns None (LP: #927262)
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/utf8-fixes:
    - fix various utf8-related crashes (LP: #943500, LP: #922225,
      LP: #917755)
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/gwibber-utf8-lp985255:
    - fix a utf8 crash in the gwibber integration (LP: #985255)
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/workaround-gtk-regression-lp986186:
    - workaround performance issue with the Gtk.TreeView.set_model()
      call when there is a cell_data_func attached. Not every user is
      affected (settings dependant somehow), but when affected it causes
      a massive performance degration for huge list models like "System"
      (LP: #986186). This branch works around the problem by disconnecting
      the cell_data_func before setting the new model.
  * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-clear-credentials-race:
    - fix an incorrect use of the sso dbus backend, we now correctly
      wait until it emits a CredentialsCleared signal (LP: #986117)

  [ Gary Lasker ]
  * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/add-to-launcher-after-auth-lp972710:
    - fix bug where an application will be added to the Unity launcher
      in the case where the user cancels the installation auth dialog
      (LP: #972710)
  * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommendations-sso-login-lp973612:
    - fix bug where the recommendations opt-in panel is hidden if
      the user declines the SSO dialog after opting in (LP: #973612)
    - fix the user experience if the user has previously opted-in to
      recommendations and their SSO token is found have been removed
      or revoked or otherwise found to be invalid (LP: #967064)
    - improve the responsiveness of the spinner in the recommendations

 -- Michael Vogt Thu, 26 Apr 2012 09:47:19 +0200

977179 software-center crashed with AttributeError in _on_...
981992 software-center crashed with AttributeError in get_...
808455 Software-center causes update-apt-xapian-index to f...
927262 software-center crashed with AttributeError in _on_...
943500 software-center crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in ...
922225 software-center crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in ...
917755 modify_review_gtk3.py crashed with UnicodeDecodeErr...
985255 submit_review_gtk3.py crashed with UnicodeDecodeErr...
986186 software center stop working when I select system s...
986117 race when calling ClearCredentials because we don't...
972710 Cancel an installation (deny to give the password) ...
973612 Recommended For You
967064 Opting in to recommendations asks you to sign in wi...

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