
Package "libunity-core-5.0-dev"

Name: libunity-core-5.0-dev


Core library for the Unity interface - development files

Latest version: 5.20.0-0ubuntu3
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: updates
Repository: main
Head package: unity
Homepage: https://launchpad.net/unity


Download "libunity-core-5.0-dev"

Other versions of "libunity-core-5.0-dev" in Precise

Repository Area Version
base main 5.10.0-0ubuntu6
PPA: WebApps Preview 5.12.0-0ubuntu3~webapps7


Version: 5.14.0-0ubuntu1 2012-08-07 23:06:52 UTC

  unity (5.14.0-0ubuntu1) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - Unity launcher shows internal partitions after they have been unmounted
      (LP: #994163)
    - can't click to dismiss hud in the area where dynamic hud results are
      meant to appear (LP: #962651)
    - Spread/Scale should exit if Dash is invoked (LP: #944033)
    - Searching in the HUD freezes unity (LP: #1016239)
    - Dash - The search bar gets the focus when pressing invalid keys
      (LP: #931393)
    - unity crashed with NameError in reset_unity_compiz_profile(): global name
      'GError' is not defined (LP: #778470)
    - When number of workspaces is set to 1, the Spread no longer works
      (LP: #996604)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompWindow::id() from getPaintMask()
      from unity::UnityWindow::glPaint() (LP: #851982)
    - "Keyboard Shortcuts" overlay can cause annoyance (LP: #934062)
    - padding between last quicklist item and bottom edge is non-deterministic
      (changes randomly) (LP: #955158)
    - HUD Draws improperly while searching for results (LP: #932531)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in
      unity::ui::KeyboardUtil::GetKeycodeAboveKeySymbol() (LP: #920258)
    - Launcher - when a user starts dragging a item, any folded launcher icons
      that are valid drop receptacles should unfold (LP: #839717)
    - Dragging image from firefox/chrome to dock causes lagg/freeze
      (LP: #772445)
    - dash should open when pressing "super" in scale mode (LP: #1023811)
    - Multimonitor, Launcher - When the Launcher is set to autohide and
      'Sticky edges' are turned off, 'Launcher Edge Stop Overcome Pressure'
      seems to be broken when revealing the Launcher (LP: #987955)
    - Software Center add to launcher icon animation is delayed when the
      launcher is in auto-hide mode (LP: #1012896)
    - Purchased items are not being added to the Unity launcher (LP: #925014)
    - Unity Launcher Fails To Auto-Hide When Enabled & Installing Commercial
      Software (LP: #1002440)
    - Regression: shift+click on a launcher icon to open a new application
      instance gone (LP: #754565)
    - Regression: Installing apps causes a terrible visual glitch-- have to
      restart X.org. (LP: #981168)
    - Duplicated applications icons on quick application restart (LP: #1003574)
    - HUD - Formatting of text in the auto-complete is wrong (LP: #939436)
    - alt-backtick flickers between windows (LP: #987156)
    - [Hud] The result grid is not drawn in proximity of the search entry
      (LP: #1008603)
    - Dash and Launcher - As soon as a user starts dragging a file from the
      Dash, there is a 'flicker' before the Launcher icons that are valid drop
      receptacles re-saturate (LP: #863230)
    - [hud] The last button is not rounded (LP: #1008656)
    - Hud flickers when show up (LP: #1011507)
    - Dash maximise button changed location (LP: #987674)
    - launcher reordering "line" doesn't go to the bottom slot (LP: #971421)
    - Dash/HUD should close on "Spread" (LP: #870284)
    - Nothing should be written into the dash/hud searchbar when holding super,
      ctrl or Alt (LP: #1013751)
    - Dash - when a file is dragged from the Dash (Dash home, file lens, or
      music lens) and dropped on a Launcher icon, the Dash should automatically
      close (LP: #865168)
    - Wrong keyboard focus after opening workspace switcher via keyboard
      navigation (LP: #962408)
 -- Lukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak <email address hidden> Wed, 18 Jul 2012 13:16:16 +0200

Source diff to previous version
994163 Unity launcher shows internal partitions after they have been unmounted
962651 can't click to dismiss hud in the area where dynamic hud results are meant to apper
944033 Spread/Scale should exit if Dash is invoked
1016239 Searching in the HUD freezes unity
931393 Dash - The search bar gets the focus when pressing invalid keys
778470 unity crashed with NameError in reset_unity_compiz_profile(): global name 'GError' is not defined
996604 When number of workspaces is set to 1, the Spread no longer works
851982 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompWindow::id() from getPaintMask() [compizminimizedwindowhandler.h] from unity::UnityWindow::glPaint()
934062 \
955158 padding between last quicklist item and bottom edge is non-deterministic (changes randomly)
932531 HUD Draws improperly while searching for results
920258 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::ui::KeyboardUtil::GetKeycodeAboveKeySymbol()
839717 Launcher - when a user starts dragging a item, any folded launcher icons that are valid drop receptacles should unfold.
772445 Dragging image from firefox/chrome to dock causes lagg/freeze
1023811 dash should open when pressing \
987955 Multimonitor, Launcher - When the Launcher is set to autohide and 'Sticky edges' are turned off, 'Launcher Edge Stop Overcome Pressure' seems to be br
1012896 Software Center add to launcher icon animation is delayed when the launcher is in auto-hide mode
925014 Purchased items are not being added to the Unity launcher
1002440 Unity Launcher Fails To Auto-Hide When Enabled \u0026 Installing Commercial Software
754565 Regression: shift+click on a launcher icon to open a new application instance gone
981168 Regression: Installing apps causes a terrible visua...
1003574 Duplicated applications icons on quick application restart
939436 HUD - Formatting of text in the auto-complete is wrong
987156 alt-backtick flickers between windows
1008603 [Hud] The result grid is not drawn in proximity of the search entry.
863230 Dash and Launcher - As soon as a user starts draggi...
1008656 [hud] The last button is not rounded.
1011507 Hud flickers when show up.
987674 Dash maximise button changed location
971421 launcher reordering \
870284 Dash should close on "Spread"
1013751 Nothing should be written into the dash/hud searchbar when holding super, ctrl or Alt
865168 Dash - when a file is dragged from the Dash (Dash home, file lens, or music lens) and dropped on a Launcher icon, the Dash should automatically close
962408 Wrong keyboard focus after opening workspace switcher via keyboard navigation

Version: 5.12-0ubuntu1.1 2012-06-05 11:06:44 UTC

  unity (5.12-0ubuntu1.1) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * Cherry pick upstream fixes.
    - Fix UnityViewWindow background when blur is disabled (LP: #989291)
    - App icon on the Unity Launcher lost track of running
      instance (LP: #772063)
    - No launcher icon or Alt+Tab entry for Gimp windows (LP: #995916)
    - Locked smuxi launcher icon does not indicate smuxi running
      status (LP: #999820)
    - Fix dash search field hidden by tooltips (LP: #978030)
    - Launcher is silent to screen reader users (LP: #949448)
    - Fix 3D apps running much slower under Unity (LP: #987304)
    - Reduced number of calls to ResultViewGrid::QueueDraw
    - Reduced number of calls to BGHash::RefreshColor
 -- Alan Pope <email address hidden> Wed, 23 May 2012 18:10:49 +0100

Source diff to previous version
989291 When blur is disabled, shortcuts overlay and alt+ta...
772063 App icon on the Unity Launcher lost track of runnin...
995916 No launcher icon or Alt+Tab entry for Gimp windows
999820 Locked smuxi launcher icon does not indicate smuxi ...
978030 Dash - search field is hidden by tooltips
949448 [regression] Launcher is silent to screen reader us...
987304 [regression] [precise] 3D apps run much slower unde...

Version: 5.12-0ubuntu1 2012-05-08 02:08:32 UTC

unity (5.12-0ubuntu1) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - Launcher, Alt-Tab - clicking on launcher item or selecting a app in Alt-
      Tab raises all app windows, not just most recently focused (LP: #959339)
    - [heap corruption?] compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc() from
      g_realloc() from ... from g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply()
      from g_object_unref() from unity::dash::HomeLens::Impl::~Impl() from
      unity::dash::HomeLens::~HomeLens() (LP: #931201)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc() from __libc_calloc() from
      XOpenDisplay() from nux::WindowThread::ThreadCtor() (LP: #947844)
    - Regression: Installing apps causes a terrible visual glitch-- have to
      restart X.org. (LP: #981168)
    - Window management - unity doesn't realise when applications bring their
      windows to the front (LP: #802816)
    - Dash - Clicking on the desktop dash border should do nothing, *NOT*
      close the dash (LP: #839472)
    - [FFe, UIFe] HUD - The HUD does not respect launcher icon size settings
      in autohide mode (LP: #921506)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_volume_get_mount() (LP: #918548)
    - multiple instances or double icons of application detected on bamfdaemon
      respawn (LP: #928912)
    - Panel is transparent when Dash is open; no blur no average BG color
      (LP: #965323)
    - Unity crashes with SIGSEGV when hitting debug DBus interface hard
      (LP: #979429)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc() from g_object_unref() from
      unity::dash::Model::~Model() (LP: #941750)
    - indicators menu are sometimes cut off at screen edge (LP: #883317)
    - the shortcut keys in workspace section of the shortcut overlay aren't
      translated (LP: #980828)
    - [regression] Dash keeps repainting unnecessarily (LP: #980924)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::NTextureData::ClearData() from
      nux::NTextureData::~NTextureData() from nux::Texture2D::~Texture2D()
      (LP: #952378)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref() from
      unity::dash::Settings::~Settings() from
      unity::UnityScreen::~UnityScreen() (LP: #981764)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::dash::ResultView::~ResultView()
      from unity::dash::ResultViewGrid::~ResultViewGrid() from
      nux::Object::Destroy() from nux::Object::UnReference() (LP: #942286)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in
      ends_with_iter_select<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator >, char const*, boost::algorithm::is_iequal>()
      from unity::ui::PointerBarrierWrapper::EmitCurrentData() (LP: #983268)
    - Chinese can't be shown completely in dash filter (LP: #984583)
    - [Unity 5.10] compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in
      unity::hud::HudIconTextureSource::ColorForIcon() from
      unity::hud::Icon::Icon() from emit from unity::IconTexture::IconLoaded
      (LP: #983646)
    - [regression] Close button does not close the dash/HUD (LP: #986264)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_volume_eject_with_operation_finish()
      from unity::launcher::DeviceLauncherIcon::OnEjectReady() from
      (LP: #977762)
    - Launcher - should allow to dnd on any icon (and not just the ones
      matching the type) (LP: #880798)
    - unity confused with chrome/chromium web apps (LP: #692462)
    - App Switcher (Alt+Tab) doesn't display the full title of apps in Chinese
      (LP: #830801)
    - alt-tab - quick alt + tab (before the switcher shows) not consistent
      (LP: #861250)
    - run command (alt+F2): results do not contain the exact match
      (LP: #842108)
    - It's possible to highlight two different Quicklist menu items
      simultaneously (LP: #911561)
    - Hiding the dash from a lens view fades out home view (LP: #914785)
    - Flickering in the dash (LP: #961979)
    - Dash - Card view layout needs fixing (LP: #977817)
    - [regression] Blurred view of the current workspace is shifted down when
      unity dash is in fullscreen mode (LP: #977922)
    - Quicklist key navigation is not consistent with menus (LP: #978926)
    - Quicklist key navigation should skip the disabled items (LP: #979096)
    - Pointer locks up after dragging windows with three touch gesture
      (LP: #979418)
    - Alt-Tab, multimonitor - The Alt-Tab overlay should appear on the display
      which has focus. (LP: #981795)
    - Hud to Dash forgets last focused window on exit (LP: #984639)
    - Remote scopes are not restarted after crash (LP: #984760)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::dash::DashView::default_focus()
      (LP: #982730)
    - [regression] Launcher should raise all the urgent windows, not only the
      top-most (LP: #986443)
    - Clicking on the quicklist application title doesn't initiate the spread
      when needed (LP: #986461)
    - Hud: spinner keeps spinning long after the query returns (LP: #987781)
    - Dash: Incorrectly scaled icons (LP: #988338)
    - Music Lens doesn't work for albums in Precise with Rhythmbox
      (LP: #970509)
    - New apps on the launcher have no shortcut key until something is being
      closed (LP: #778499)
    - Lens search hint changes to "search" when the entry gets unfocused
      (LP: #887036)
    - don't show disabled shortcut in keyboard shortcut help (LP: #926418)
    - HUD: Can not be closed by clicking on HUD icon (LP: #963918)
    - Show desktop icon should be movable, definitely not on top of BFB
      (LP: #964073)
    - [card view] bottom of results cropped when a category is not expanded
      (LP: #975003)
    - Non closable maximized windows should show a disabled close button
      (LP: #981196)
    - make launcher fails (LP: #983989)
    - Sources filter shouldn't be shown if there's just one item (LP: #940161)
    - Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
      unity::SearchBar::UpdateBackground(bool) (SearchBar.cpp:529)
      (LP: #983333)

 -- Didier Roche

959339 Launcher, Alt-Tab - clicking on launcher item or se...
931201 [heap corruption?] compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _...
947844 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc() from _...
981168 Regression: Installing apps causes a terrible visua...
802816 Window management - unity doesn't realise when appl...
839472 Dash - Clicking on the desktop dash border should d...
921506 [FFe, UIFe] HUD - The HUD does not respect launcher...
918548 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_volume_get_mount()...
928912 multiple instances or double icons of application d...
965323 Panel is transparent when Dash is open; no blur no ...
979429 Unity crashes with SIGSEGV when hitting debug DBus ...
941750 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc() from g...
883317 indicators menu are sometimes cut off at screen edg...
980828 the shortcut keys in workspace section of the short...
980924 [regression] Dash keeps repainting unnecessarily
952378 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::NTextureData::C...
981764 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref() fro...
942286 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::dash::ResultV...
983268 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in ends_with_iter_selec...
984583 Chinese can't be shown completely in dash filter
983646 [Unity 5.10] compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::...
986264 [regression] Close button does not close the dash/H...
977762 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_volume_eject_with_...
880798 Launcher - should allow to dnd on any icon (and not...
692462 unity confused with chromium web apps
830801 App Switcher (Alt+Tab) doesn't display the full tit...
861250 alt-tab - quick alt + tab (before the switcher show...
842108 run command (alt+F2): results do not contain the ex...
911561 It's possible to highlight two different Quicklist ...
914785 Hiding the dash from a lens view fades out home vie...
961979 Flickering in the dash
977817 Dash - Card view layout needs fixing
977922 [regression] Blurred view of the current workspace ...
978926 Quicklist key navigation is not consistent with men...
979096 Quicklist key navigation should skip the disabled i...
979418 Pointer locks up after dragging windows with three ...
981795 Alt-Tab, multimonitor - The Alt-Tab overlay should ...
984639 Hud to Dash forgets last focused window on exit
984760 Remote scopes are not restarted after crash
982730 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::dash::DashVie...
986443 [regression] Launcher should raise all the urgent w...
986461 Clicking on the quicklist application title doesn't...
987781 Hud: spinner keeps spinning long after the query re...
988338 Dash: Incorrectly scaled icons
970509 Music Lens doesn't work for albums in Precise with ...
778499 New apps on the launcher have no shortcut key until...
887036 search
926418 unity
963918 HUD: Can not be closed by clicking on HUD icon
964073 Show desktop icon should be movable, definitely not...
975003 [card view] bottom of results cropped when a catego...
981196 Non closable maximized windows should show a disabl...
983989 make launcher fails
940161 Sources filter shouldn't be shown if there's just o...
983333 Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised v...

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