
Package "adsys"

Name: adsys


AD SYStem integration

Latest version: 0.14.2~22.04
Release: jammy (22.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: main
Homepage: https://github.com/ubuntu/adsys


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Other versions of "adsys" in Jammy

Repository Area Version
base main 0.8.4
security main 0.9.2~22.04.1
updates main 0.14.2~22.04

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: 0.14.2~22.04 2024-09-17 17:07:03 UTC

  adsys (0.14.2~22.04) jammy; urgency=medium

  * Fix DCONF policy manager removing user DB on empty policy (LP: #2078245)
  * Ignore casing in domain/ section of sssd.conf (LP: #2078246)
  * Fix parsing of slash usernames (i.e. domain\user) (LP: #2078247)
  * Fix errno in get_ticket_path() (LP: #2078473)

 -- Denison Barbosa <email address hidden> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 10:33:56 -0400

2078245 DCONF policy manager removes userdb on empty policy
2078246 Ignore casing in domain/ section of sssd.conf
2078247 rewrite from / to @ formats overwrites usernames
2078473 Discovery of KRB5 ticket fails even if ticket is discoverable

Version: *DELETED* 2024-07-11 00:07:12 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 0.14.1~22.04 2024-06-29 02:07:06 UTC

  adsys (0.14.1~22.04) jammy; urgency=medium

  * Backport 0.14.1 to jammy (LP: #2059756)
    - Build with Go 1.22
    - Disable dh_dwz on account of go >= 1.19 compressing symbols itself
      (fixed in newer dh_golang)
    - Revert incorrect prerm purge stanza

2059756 [SRU] adsys 0.14.1

Version: *DELETED* 2023-08-13 23:06:55 UTC
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 0.9.2~22.04.2 2023-07-05 05:06:58 UTC

  adsys (0.9.2~22.04.2) jammy; urgency=medium

  [ Didier Roche ]
  [ Matthew Ruffell ]
  * Fix processing of domain names to correctly parse '-' characters
    when creating valid dbus object paths, enabling domains with
    '-' to work, e.g. "test-example.com". (LP: #2020834)
    - internal/ad/ad.go

 -- Matthew Ruffell <email address hidden> Fri, 26 May 2023 15:52:48 +1200

2020834 Properly convert DNS names with '-' characters to valid dbus object paths

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