
Package "x11-xkb-utils"

Moved to bionic:main:updates

Name: x11-xkb-utils


X11 XKB utilities

Latest version: *DELETED*
Release: bionic (18.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: main


Download "x11-xkb-utils"

Other versions of "x11-xkb-utils" in Bionic

Repository Area Version
base main 7.7+3
updates main 7.7+3ubuntu0.18.04.1


Version: *DELETED* 2018-05-30 20:07:25 UTC
Moved to bionic:main:updates
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 7.7+3ubuntu0.18.04.1 2018-05-17 20:06:32 UTC

  x11-xkb-utils (7.7+3ubuntu0.18.04.1) bionic-proposed; urgency=medium

  * SRU: LP: #1771660 (taken from 7.7+4).
  [ Timo Aaltonen ]
   * control, install: Ship xkbcomp.pc in /usr/share/pkgconfig, mark x11-
     xkb-utils as M-A: foreign. Thanks, Helmut Grohne! (Closes: #842627).

 -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Wed, 16 May 2018 15:33:48 -0400

1771660 SRU: Make x11-xkb-config M-A: foreign
842627 multiarchify x11-xkb-utils - Debian Bug report logs

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