
Bugs fixes in "zend-framework"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1066406 Installing to /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend/ isn't the best idea 2017-02-22
Launchpad 1574250 icingaweb2 2.1.0 can't find Zend library 2017-02-22
Launchpad 1066406 Installing to /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend/ isn't the best idea 2016-12-14
Launchpad 1574250 icingaweb2 2.1.0 can't find Zend library 2016-12-14
Launchpad 1565927 Update to PHP7.0 dependencies 2016-04-04
Launchpad 1565927 Update to PHP7.0 dependencies 2016-04-04
Launchpad 1243568 put ini in correct path 2014-02-26
Launchpad 1243568 put ini in correct path 2014-02-26

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