
Bugs fixes in "virglrenderer"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
CVE CVE-2022-0175 memory initialization issue in vrend_resource_alloc_buffer() can lead to info leak 2022-02-28
CVE CVE-2022-0135 out-of-bounds write in read_transfer_data() 2022-02-28
CVE CVE-2022-0175 memory initialization issue in vrend_resource_alloc_buffer() can lead to info leak 2022-02-28
CVE CVE-2022-0135 out-of-bounds write in read_transfer_data() 2022-02-28
CVE CVE-2022-0175 memory initialization issue in vrend_resource_alloc_buffer() can lead to info leak 2022-02-28
CVE CVE-2022-0135 out-of-bounds write in read_transfer_data() 2022-02-28
CVE CVE-2022-0175 memory initialization issue in vrend_resource_alloc_buffer() can lead to info leak 2022-02-28
CVE CVE-2022-0135 out-of-bounds write in read_transfer_data() 2022-02-28

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