
Bugs fixes in "upstart"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 980917 Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job 2013-01-24
Launchpad 980917 Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job 2012-12-19
Launchpad 974147 /lib/init/upstart-job should not start/restart a jo... 2012-04-16
Launchpad 978297 apparmor should quietly return success in a contain... 2012-04-12
Launchpad 940290 console log consumes fds upon job restart/respawn 2012-03-24
Launchpad 936667 Upstart early job logging causes boot failure for s... 2012-03-24
Launchpad 962124 Feature Freeze Exception request for Upstart in Pre... 2012-03-24
Launchpad 935585 [kernel panic] init: log.c:786: Assertion failed in... 2012-03-16
Launchpad 950662 Waiting for network message on bootup when all netw... 2012-03-16
Launchpad 926473 upstart test suite assumes no inherited fds 2012-02-16
Launchpad 926468 Stopping ssh with a logged in user causes init to spin at 100% 2012-02-16
Launchpad 921501 runlevel time incorrect in Table 1 of upstart-events(7) 2012-02-16
Launchpad 922754 booting without --no-log causes init and plymouth-upstart-bridge to spin at 100% 2012-02-04

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