
Bugs fixes in "unity-2d-shell"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 948383 [launcher] item hint flickers when hovering between... 2012-05-12
Launchpad 980609 Missaligned progress bar 2012-05-12
Launchpad 984080 Launcher tile tooltip appears in wrong screen in RT... 2012-05-12
Launchpad 711199 the "no result" and "search the web" items need icons 2012-04-14
Launchpad 834078 Missing lens shortcuts (Super-A, Super-F) 2012-04-14
Launchpad 946104 multimonitor: Please give me a way to turn off stic... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 918566 unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in QCoreApplica... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 961285 sticky edge 2012-04-14
Launchpad 967012 Unity-2d-shell crashes on startup on 64bit machines... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 940590 Unity 2-d launcher doesn't hide or display properly... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 947985 [dash] search terms aren't applied on lens change /... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 968215 [dash] Maximise, then restore - much of background ... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 972318 [hud] shows up when using ctrl+alt and pressing alt... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 920878 [dash] Unable to scroll Filter Results 2012-04-14
Launchpad 943296 [launcher] stays open if you mouseOut before reveal... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 947145 HUD on wrong screen on mutli monitor system 2012-04-14
Launchpad 948033 Shell 2012-04-14
Launchpad 966121 [dash] Esc key behavior inconsistent with Unity 2012-04-14
Launchpad 968146 toggling the spread from the launcher does not work... 2012-04-14
Launchpad 965464 unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in KeyMonitor::... 2012-04-14

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