
Bugs fixes in "unity-2d"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 892004 [launcher] Launcher stuck open while mouse moved to left corner of panel 2012-01-13
Launchpad 888164 if libdir does not equal lib 2012-01-13
Launchpad 887957 OpenGL disabled regardless of use-opengl setting 2012-01-13
Launchpad 884410 [launcher] Removing icon from launcher makes it hide immediately 2012-01-13
Launchpad 883392 [dash] Unity 2D shows 'Search' instead of 'Run Command' on ALT + F2 2012-01-13
Launchpad 879288 [launcher] In non-composite mode, background is black 2012-01-13
Launchpad 860400 [dash] no way to unmaximize 2012-01-13
Launchpad 808716 [workspace switcher] Performance can be poor when using the opengl backend because of window texture sizes that are not limited 2012-01-13
Launchpad 903495 [tests] Add Automated User Experience testing 2012-01-13
Launchpad 901505 [launcher] Alt+F1 broken: does not give the focus to the launcher's content 2012-01-13
Launchpad 894381 [tests] Unit tests failing due to lack of Xserver 2012-01-13
Launchpad 894380 [tests] LauncherViewTest hanging 2012-01-13
Launchpad 881756 [dash] Unity-2d dash very slow to open 2012-01-13
Launchpad 873580 Win Key can not be disabled in Unity-2d 2012-01-13
Launchpad 873027 DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS and DBUS_STARTER_BUS_TYPE aren't always unset from environment making gedit and possibly others fail to start 2012-01-13
Launchpad 862956 [dash] Huge performance hit when scrolling search results with accessibility enabled 2012-01-13
Launchpad 838708 Launcher - the rendering of the BFB and Lens squircle does not match the design 2012-01-13
Launchpad 745764 [spread] workspace switcher performance is poor, especially on low powered CPUs 2012-01-13
Launchpad 744978 [workspace switcher] keyboard navigation of workspace switcher broken for accessibility 2012-01-13
Launchpad 900895 [spread] layout broken since bzr revision 799 of lp:unity-2d 2012-01-13

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