
Bugs fixes in "ubuntuone-credentials"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1175289 AuthLogger causes messages from using apps/libraries to go to authentication.log as well 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1241259 network code does not report JSON parse error details 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1241250 \ 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1237006 'back' from existing account page deletes account 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1231580 when you enter the wrong password, the error message is out of view 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1235282 Maguro: Settings\u2192Accounts\u2192Ubuntuone Email should use and email tag so the keyboard matches the other accounts 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1233951 Network::OnReply received empty document 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1234285 When you go back without adding a new account, a U1 item appears 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1197081 no support for two factor authentication 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1190782 packaging: libubuntuoneauth-dev installs headers together, while they expect a subdir 2014-03-14
Launchpad 1175289 AuthLogger causes messages from using apps/libraries to go to authentication.log as well 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1241259 network code does not report JSON parse error details 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1241250 \ 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1237006 'back' from existing account page deletes account 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1231580 when you enter the wrong password, the error message is out of view 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1235282 Maguro: Settings\u2192Accounts\u2192Ubuntuone Email should use and email tag so the keyboard matches the other accounts 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1233951 Network::OnReply received empty document 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1234285 When you go back without adding a new account, a U1 item appears 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1197081 no support for two factor authentication 2014-03-13
Launchpad 1190782 packaging: libubuntuoneauth-dev installs headers together, while they expect a subdir 2014-03-13

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