
Bugs fixes in "ubuntu-keyboard"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1306160 keypress sounds missing for some keys 2014-04-15
Launchpad 1264860 automatic capitalization doesn't disable if first letter has an accent 2014-04-15
Launchpad 1281384 Keyboard always shows white when it launches after switch to Chinese-pinyin 2014-04-15
Launchpad 1289374 Delete key doesn't accelerate 2014-04-07
Launchpad 1300382 input events not being flushed in browser until pressing hardware keys 2014-04-02
Launchpad 1300382 input events not being flushed in browser until pressing hardware keys 2014-04-02
Launchpad 1272818 auto caps should trigger after newline 2014-03-20
Launchpad 1271494 OSK sms doesn't send the last word if autocomplete is turned on 2014-03-20
Launchpad 1247994 lp:ubuntu-keyboard, tests expects writeable $HOME 2014-03-01
Launchpad 1247994 lp:ubuntu-keyboard, tests expects writeable $HOME 2014-03-01

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