
Bugs fixes in "qtorganizer5-eds"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1294426 EDS disabling the QML application's log 2014-04-15
Launchpad 1292554 Date object is not getting converted in recurrence limit functionality. 2014-04-15
Launchpad 1283859 Updated recurring alarm values are not reflected in the indicator until phone reboot 2014-04-15
Launchpad 1284375 Reminder URL is encoded and impossible to read from external app 2014-04-15
Launchpad 1306112 calendar sync causing 100% cpu and does not complete 2014-04-15
Launchpad 1295180 Support for Saving color to collection is missing 2014-04-05
Launchpad 1267814 Sync'ed calendar events don't appear at the correct time 2014-04-04
Launchpad 1285056 memory leaks when setting dtstart 2014-03-04
Launchpad 1284587 crash when exiting the application 2014-03-04
Launchpad 1285056 memory leaks when setting dtstart 2014-03-04
Launchpad 1284587 crash when exiting the application 2014-03-04
Launchpad 1280281 packages have QDebug related failure to build against Qt 5.2.1 2014-02-28
Launchpad 1282129 Clock and calendar tests fail with static void QOrganizerEDSEngine::itemsAsyncListed(ECalComponent*, time_t, time_t, FetchRequestData*) 2014-02-24

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