
Bugs fixes in "notify-osd"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1569682 Notify replace_id is ignored by notify-OSD 2016-04-13
Launchpad 1569682 Notify replace_id is ignored by notify-OSD 2016-04-13
Launchpad 404658 notification summary doesn't change for synchronous messages 2014-01-23
Launchpad 404658 notification summary doesn't change for synchronous messages 2014-01-16
Launchpad 977974 Improve background colorization 2012-04-10
Launchpad 716458 notify-osd, Multimonitor - notify-osd in invisible ... 2012-03-24
Launchpad 904835 notify-osd keeps on writing to .cache/notify-osd.log and waking up my drive 2012-02-08
Launchpad 856071 Notify-osd accessibility broken due to recent GTK3 changes. 2012-02-08
Launchpad 827897 Should migrate the user gconf keys values to gsettings 2012-02-08
Launchpad 810325 NotifyOSD - Change background colour to use the same median colour used in the Oneiric dash 2012-02-08
Launchpad 915389 notify-osd wakes up for every key/focus event after showing the first bubble 2012-01-24

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