
Bugs fixes in "nagios3"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
CVE CVE-2014-1878 Stack-based buffer overflow in the cmd_submitf function in cgi/cmd.c in Nagios Core, possibly 4.0.3rc1 and earlier, and Icinga before 1.8.6, 1.9 befo 2017-04-03
CVE CVE-2013-7205 Off-by-one error in the process_cgivars function in contrib/daemonchk.c in Nagios Core 3.5.1, 4.0.2, and earlier allows remote authenticated users to 2017-04-03
CVE CVE-2013-7108 Multiple off-by-one errors in Nagios Core 3.5.1, 4.0.2, and earlier, and Icinga before 1.8.5, 1.9 before 1.9.4, and 1.10 before 1.10.2 allow remote a 2017-04-03
Launchpad 1234376 HOSTALIAS doesn't update after changing config files 2015-01-15
Launchpad 1234376 HOSTALIAS doesn't update after changing config files 2015-01-08
Launchpad 931859 chown: cannot access `/etc/nagios3/resource.cfg': No such file or directory 2012-02-15

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