
Bugs fixes in "c3p0"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
CVE CVE-2019-5427 c3p0 version < may be exploited by a billion laughs attack when loading XML configuration due to missing protections against recursive entity 2022-02-22
CVE CVE-2019-5427 c3p0 version < may be exploited by a billion laughs attack when loading XML configuration due to missing protections against recursive entity 2022-02-22
CVE CVE-2019-5427 c3p0 version < may be exploited by a billion laughs attack when loading XML configuration due to missing protections against recursive entity 2022-02-22
CVE CVE-2019-5427 c3p0 version < may be exploited by a billion laughs attack when loading XML configuration due to missing protections against recursive entity 2022-02-22

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