
Bugs fixes in "budgie-desktop"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1824102 Animations leave window artifacts when enabled 2019-04-25
Launchpad 1825050 Raven remains open when switching workspaces 2019-04-25
Launchpad 1824229 [SRU] Custom keyboard shortcuts occasionally stop working 2019-04-25
Launchpad 1729947 /usr/bin/budgie-polkit-dialog:11:g_data_set_internal:g_datalist_id_set_data_full:g_object_unref:_vala_main:__libc_start_main 2019-04-25
Launchpad 1824102 Animations leave window artifacts when enabled 2019-04-17
Launchpad 1825050 Raven remains open when switching workspaces 2019-04-17
Launchpad 1824229 [SRU] Custom keyboard shortcuts occasionally stop working 2019-04-17
Launchpad 1729947 /usr/bin/budgie-polkit-dialog:11:g_data_set_internal:g_datalist_id_set_data_full:g_object_unref:_vala_main:__libc_start_main 2019-04-17
Launchpad 1811620 [SRU] Cherrypick bug-fixes and usability issues for budgie-desktop 2019-01-21
Launchpad 1811620 [SRU] Cherrypick bug-fixes and usability issues for budgie-desktop 2019-01-14

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