
Bugs fixes in "alacarte"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 2037326 [SRU] Alacarte requires python3-cairo, however it is not listed as a dependency 2024-01-02
Launchpad 2037326 [SRU] Alacarte requires python3-cairo, however it is not listed as a dependency 2024-01-02
Launchpad 2037326 [SRU] Alacarte requires python3-cairo, however it is not listed as a dependency 2023-12-14
Launchpad 2037326 [SRU] Alacarte requires python3-cairo, however it is not listed as a dependency 2023-12-14
Launchpad 2037326 [SRU] Alacarte requires python3-cairo, however it is not listed as a dependency 2023-12-07
Launchpad 2037326 [SRU] Alacarte requires python3-cairo, however it is not listed as a dependency 2023-11-28
Launchpad 925801 Installing alacarte installs half of GNOME 2012-02-06
Launchpad 818925 alacarte crashed with AttributeError in join(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith' 2011-12-18

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