
3rd Party Repository: Spotify

This repository is available for: Stable 

Title: Spotify music player and streaming service

This is a preview build of Spotify for Linux. As a preview release this version is still unsupported, but we're running it ourselves and will try to make sure it keeps pace with its Mac and Windows siblings.

Daily Build: no

Setup key with:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 931FF8E79F0876134EDDBDCCA87FF9DF48BF1C90

Setup repository with:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list'


Most recent updates in Spotify PPA (Stable)

Date Package Version
2024-02-23 23:08:37 UTC spotify 1:
2023-12-08 09:10:44 UTC spotify 1:
2023-11-28 12:19:48 UTC spotify 1:
2023-10-16 08:08:36 UTC spotify 1:
2023-09-11 08:10:26 UTC spotify 1:

Spotify-client Versions in Spotify PPA

UbuntuUpdates arbitrarily picked spotify-client as the main package of this PPA.

Package Release Latest Version Latest Update
spotify-client stable 1: 2024-02-23 23:08:37 UTC

Packages in PPA for Stable

See packages for selected release: Stable 

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.

Head packages

Dependent packages


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