
Package "maas-rack-controller"

Name: maas-rack-controller


Rack Controller for MAAS

Latest version: 2.0.0~beta3+bzr4941-0ubuntu1
Release: xenial (16.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: maas
Homepage: http://maas.io/


Download "maas-rack-controller"

Other versions of "maas-rack-controller" in Xenial

Repository Area Version
updates main 2.3.5-6511-gf466fdb-0ubuntu1


Version: 2.0.0~beta1+bzr4873-0ubuntu1 2016-04-05 21:08:30 UTC

  maas (2.0.0~beta1+bzr4873-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release, 2.0.0 beta 1 bzr4873 (Standing FFe LP: #1553261)
    - DHCP Snippets WebUI.
    - Ensure proxy configuration ACL's subnets MAAS knows about.
    - DNS High Availability.
  * debian/control: Move 'maascli' package install to
    python3-maas-client (LP: #1563859)
  * Improve way on how upgrades ensures correct permissions
    and ownership (LP: #1563799 , LP: #1563779)
  * Improve the way how removals clean the system (LP: #1563337)
  * Reflect new names and website for systemd units (LP: #1563807)
  * maas-proxy now uses a custom-built config, instead of a boilerplate.
    LP: #1379567

 -- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden> Mon, 28 Mar 2016 16:47:58 -0400

1553261 [FFe] Standing FFe for MAAS 2.0
1563859 [2.0a4] Installing maas-region-api fails with missing maascli module
1563799 [2.0a4] Permission error for boot-resources/cache
1563779 [2.0a4] maas-rackd missing presumed lost
1563337 maas packages incorrectly purge things needed by packages not being removed
1563807 Systemd units need to reflect updated MAAS names
1379567 maas-proxy is an open proxy with no ACLs; it should add networks automatically

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