
Package "libunity-core-5.0-5"

Name: libunity-core-5.0-5


Core library for the Unity interface.

Latest version: 5.10.0-0ubuntu6
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: unity
Homepage: https://launchpad.net/unity


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Other versions of "libunity-core-5.0-5" in Precise

Repository Area Version
updates main 5.20.0-0ubuntu3
PPA: WebApps Preview 5.12.0-0ubuntu3~webapps7


Version: 5.8.0-0ubuntu1 2012-03-23 20:06:54 UTC

unity (5.8.0-0ubuntu1) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - New "push mouse offscreen" feature really difficult to get (LP: #923749)
    - unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in
      unity::indicator::DBusIndicators::Impl::RequestSyncAll() (LP: #864737)
    - Pressing "Alt+Enter" causes compiz to crash in CompOption::value() from
      unity::UnityScreen::showLauncherKeyTerminate (LP: #960957)
    - SEGSIGV after unplugging external monitor (LP: #962693)
    - Background colorization should use a different heuristic (LP: #865239)
    - compiz+unity3d generates > 50 wakeups a second on idle system
      (LP: #917210)
    - [FFe, UIFe] HUD - The HUD does not respect launcher autohide or icon
      size settings (LP: #921506)
    - clicking on folders in the file lens does not open nautilus
      (LP: #921665)
    - No text inside multirange filters (LP: #927710)
    - can't alt-tab restore minimized uis which have an instance on another
      workspace (LP: #933397)
    - Ubuntu Software Center Unity launcher integration is not working
      (LP: #932280)
    - The line separator between the launcher and the dash is cleared when
      selecting a category (LP: #941082)
    - unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_foreach()
      (LP: #937119)
    - Alt-F10 locks up Unity (LP: #948522)
    - multimonitor, launcher: Provide an option to display either a single
      launcher or a launcher on each display in a multi-monitor environment
      (LP: #950136)
    - multimonitor: Please give me a way to turn off sticky monitor edges
      (LP: #946104)
    - Unity 5.6: key bindings (such as Super) don't work on empty workspace or
      on slow/loaded systems (LP: #953089)
    - Alt+arrows keyboard shortcuts don't invoke Back and Forward navigation
      (LP: #953783)
    - HUD is sending 2 menu signals instead of 1 (LP: #956878)
    - 6th item of HUD not fully visible (LP: #957229)
    - HUD: seems to trigger operations more than once (LP: #960503)
    - Launcher gets always desaturated when using HUD on secondary monitor
      (LP: #961169)
    - [5.8 pre staging] launcher is displayed on the left screen, not the
      primary one (LP: #961281)
    - launcher icons do not re-saturate after dash is closed (LP: #961844)
    - Launcher shows arrows for applications on all workspaces (LP: #961977)
    - Dash - Implement overlay scrollbars in Dash (LP: #608124)
    - [UIFe] Dash - No message displayed when no results are returned in the
      Dash (LP: #711199)
    - Dash - "See more..." line should be base-aligned with section header
      (LP: #748101)
    - Dash - Missing category separator line in dash (LP: #850984)
    - Dash and Launcher - As soon as a user starts dragging a file from the
      Dash, there is a 'flicker' before the Launcher icons that are valid drop
      receptacles re-saturate (LP: #863230)
    - Dash - When multiple results have equal string match relevancy ranking,
      those with equal ranking should be then sorted by frequency of use.
      (LP: #871900)
    - Keyboard shortcut - F10 shortcut is used to show menu and this is wrong
      (LP: #878492)
    - Frozen double icon after launching and dragging at once (LP: #918753)
    - HUD is over gtk-menu (LP: #921305)
    - Files missing from Unity's POTFILES.in (LP: #923762)
    - Hidden menus are not really hidden (LP: #926330)
    - Need to bring back a "reveal border" option (LP: #927523)
    - Unity Panel lose shadow on changing the wallpaper (LP: #930271)
    - Incorrect item count in "See x more results" (LP: #934944)
    - Coverity PW.PARAMETER_HIDDEN - CID 10671 (LP: #938890)
    - Coverity PW.CAST_TO_QUALIFIED_TYPE - CID 10670 (LP: #938895)
    - [Shortcut overlay] Hardcoded value for switching ws (LP: #939517)
    - Dash - Font metrics and colors are wrong (LP: #942508)
    - Alt-tab switcher view should be pre-loaded to improve the startup time
      (LP: #942634)
    - Shortcut hint overlay should be hidden by Escape key (LP: #943422)
    - Dash/HUD - Spinner off-centre, looks drunk (LP: #943656)
    - Unable to restart lens which doesn't do global search (LP: #947301)
    - Launcher Switcher (Super+Tab) selection could be changed by arrow keys
      too (LP: #950404)
    - you have to release alt for alt + F10 working (LP: #943223)
    - magnifying glass is being overdrawn by text in searchbar (LP: #955160)
    - hud searches don't update properly (LP: #956480)
    - Filters not working (LP: #961338)
    - Panel goes solid if switching from hud to dash or vice versa
      (LP: #962720)
    - compiz configuration options for unity are "fixme" (LP: #877382)
    - Launcher - When Launcher already has keyboard focus, Alt-F1 doesn't exit
      focus (LP: #885304)
    - Dash - dash is not closed with alt+f4 (LP: #891818)
    - Dash Home tooltip should use header capitalization (LP: #924354)
    - Typo in string 149: stoped (LP: #931382)
    - unity should not use dconf to store the average background colour
      (LP: #949277)
    - [UIFE] No HUD keybinding in the shortcut overlay (LP: #942515)
    - The hseparator is drawn also for the final dash category (LP: #955296)
  * debian/patches/series:
    - remove the distro patches in trunk right now
  * debian/control:
    - build-dep on latest nux,compiz and libcompizconfig for ABI breakage

 -- Didier Roche Fri, 23 Mar 2012 12:55:51 +0100

Source diff to previous version
923749 New "push mouse offscreen" feature really difficult to get
864737 unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::indic...
960957 Alt+Enter
962693 SEGSIGV after unplugging external monitor
865239 Background colorization should use a different heur...
917210 compiz+unity3d generates > 50 wakeups a second on i...
921506 [FFe, UIFe] HUD - The HUD does not respect launcher...
921665 clicking on folders in the file lens does not open ...
927710 No text inside multirange filters
933397 can't alt-tab restore minimized uis which have an i...
932280 Ubuntu Software Center Unity launcher integration i...
941082 The line separator between the launcher and the das...
937119 unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_...
948522 Alt-F10 locks up Unity
950136 multimonitor, launcher: Provide an option to displa...
946104 multimonitor: Please give me a way to turn off stic...
953089 Unity 5.6: key bindings (such as Super) don't work ...
953783 Alt+arrows keyboard shortcuts don't invoke Back and...
956878 HUD is sending 2 menu signals instead of 1
957229 6th item of HUD not fully visible
960503 HUD: seems to trigger operations more than once
961169 Launcher gets always desaturated when using HUD on ...
961281 [5.8 pre staging] launcher is displayed on the left...
961844 launcher icons do not re-saturate after dash is clo...
961977 Launcher shows arrows for applications on all works...
608124 Implement new style scrollbars in Dash
711199 the "no result" and "search the web" items need icons
748101 Dash - "See more..." line should be base-aligned with section header
850984 Dash - Missing category separator line in dash
863230 Dash and Launcher - As soon as a user starts draggi...
871900 Dash - When multiple results have equal string matc...
878492 Keyboard shortcut - F10 shortcut is used to show menu and this is wrong
918753 Frozen double icon after launching and dragging at ...
921305 HUD is over gtk-menu
923762 Files missing from Unity's POTFILES.in
926330 Hidden menus are not really hidden
927523 reveal border
930271 Unity Panel lose shadow on changing the wallpaper
938890 Coverity PW.PARAMETER_HIDDEN - CID 10671
938895 Coverity PW.CAST_TO_QUALIFIED_TYPE - CID 10670
939517 [Shortcut overlay] Hardcoded value for switching ws...
942508 Dash - Font metrics and colors are wrong
942634 Alt-tab switcher view should be pre-loaded to impro...
943422 Shortcut hint overlay should be hidden by Escape ke...
943656 Dash/HUD - Spinner off-centre, looks drunk
947301 Unable to restart lens which doesn't do global sear...
950404 Launcher Switcher (Super+Tab) selection could be ch...
943223 you have to release alt for alt + F10 working
955160 magnifying glass is being overdrawn by text in sear...
956480 hud searches don't update properly
961338 Filters not working
962720 Panel goes solid if switching from hud to dash or v...
877382 unity
885304 Launcher - When Launcher already has keyboard focus...
891818 Dash - dash is not closed with alt+f4
924354 Dash Home tooltip should use header capitalization
931382 Typo in string 149: stoped
949277 unity should not use dconf to store the average bac...
942515 [UIFE] No HUD keybinding in the shortcut overlay
955296 The hseparator is drawn also for the final dash cat...

Version: 5.6.0-0ubuntu4 2012-03-14 13:03:07 UTC

unity (5.6.0-0ubuntu4) precise; urgency=low

  * 02_remove_ungrad_workaround2.patch:
    - part 2 of the patch, enabling pressing alt + keys in some additional

 -- Didier Roche Wed, 14 Mar 2012 12:42:23 +0100

Source diff to previous version

Version: 5.6.0-0ubuntu3 2012-03-13 16:03:15 UTC

unity (5.6.0-0ubuntu3) precise; urgency=low

  * debian/control:
    - use right build-dep (libxfixes-dev)

 -- Didier Roche Tue, 13 Mar 2012 13:44:53 +0100

Source diff to previous version

Version: 5.6.0-0ubuntu1 2012-03-12 14:02:40 UTC

unity (5.6.0-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()
      (LP: #862972)
    - compiz crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()
      (LP: #926793)
    - compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_pixbuf_get_width() (LP: #937421)
    - Unity causes ibus to not work correctly (spaces incorrectly placed)
      (LP: #880876)
    - Dash - update Dash keyboard shortcuts so the 'CTRL + TAB' switches
      between Lenses and 'TAB' by itself moves the focus between categories
      (LP: #891648)
    - HUD - closing a window with + opens the hud (LP: #923410)
    - unity-applications-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in
      dee_sequence_model_free_row() (LP: #916356)
    - Launcher, Window Management - Launcher reveal should not be triggered
      when dragging a window (LP: #928805)
    - lenses are loaded on start, should be lazy loaded (LP: #929506)
    - Trash icon jumps about when trying to drag an icon onto it (LP: #932365)
    - HUD loses keypresses for the first second after opening (LP: #932906)
    - HUD doesn't give the focus back to the active application after dash/hud
      use (LP: #934061)
    - Launcher - unpinned apps show with empty pips in the launcher as if they
      exist on another workspace (LP: #937898)
    - Unity Dash should support Keywords parameter in .desktop (formerly X
      -GNOME-Keywords or X-AppInstall-Keywords) (LP: #941231)
    - Support FD.o Desktop Actions spec (LP: #942042)
    - Unity hangs when touching my touchpad/trackpad (LP: #942625)
    - [regression] Pressing alt doesn't show the menu title bar in top panel
      (LP: #943194)
    - Alt + F (or other mnemonic) doesn't work in gnome-terminal (LP: #943239)
    - [unity 5.6] Using Alt+F1 or Alt+F2 sends a ";3P" or ";3Q" to the active
      windows (LP: #943456)
    - [unity 5.6] holding alt and pressing a direction opens the alt-tab list
      in a buggy way (LP: #943902)
    - [unity-5.6] can't enter accents (^o->) in the dash since recent updates
      (LP: #944674)
    - Dash - Keyboard navigation for search filters is broken (LP: #844033)
    - Dash - If mouse highlights one icon in grid, keyboard navigation
      highlights another, so there are 2 highlighted icons (LP: #817436)
    - Alt+Tab default delay of 150ms is too long (LP: #888636)
    - Keyboard shortcut - F10 shortcut is used to show menu and this is wrong
      (LP: #878492)
    - Dash - Currently the app lens doesn't show applications that are
      available for purchase (LP: #916121)
    - Chromium is running, but not showing in launcher or alt-tab.
      (LP: #918474)
    - Dash - Different states of rating stars, and dimensions (LP: #924884)
    - alt-tab confused by a multiple instances of an application on different
      workspaces (LP: #925484)
    - Launcher - Icons are not colorized properly (LP: #930949)
    - Remove glow from Alt-tab edge and Search Field image assets
      (LP: #933578)
    - "Left Mouse Drag" and "Middle Mouse Drag" should be translatable
      (LP: #930510)
    - Launcher switcher should be terminated if a launcher icon keybinding is
      pressed (LP: #943377)
    - dash home lens does not include recent files... (LP: #946980)
    - Alt-tab switcher can't be terminated by Escape key (LP: #948227)
    - Overlay should refer to "Menu Bar" not "Top Bar" (LP: #926213)
    - alt-tab is showing preview even if you have just one instance
      (LP: #933406)
    - When "Bias alt-tab (...)" is switched on, alt+tab and ctrl+alt+tab are
      swapped (LP: #942677)
    - Numbers on Launcher icons sticking (LP: #942359)
    - The launcher icons shortcuts can be shown during the Super Tab Launcher
      switcher. (LP: #943372)
    - Use title case capitalization "Lock to Launcher" & "Unlock from
      Launcher" (LP: #949636)
  * debian/control:
    - bump compiz-dev and libcompizconfig0-dev build-dep for ABI break
    - bump libnux-2.0-dev build-dep for ABI break
    - bump libbamf req. for new API

 -- Didier Roche Mon, 12 Mar 2012 12:14:28 +0100

Source diff to previous version
878492 Keyboard shortcut - F10 shortcut is used to show menu and this is wrong

Version: 5.4.0-0ubuntu2 2012-02-23 18:03:08 UTC

unity (5.4.0-0ubuntu2) precise; urgency=low

  * 01_hardcode_new_default_in_hardcoded_values.patch:
    - hardcode the new default value for switching between workspaces and
      moving a window between workspaces. Unfortunatly, this is still a
      harcoding. Opened an upstream bug so that the real values are read
      instead with some guidance.
  * debian/control, debian/rules:
    - add quilt patch handling

 -- Didier Roche Thu, 23 Feb 2012 17:01:16 +0100

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