
Bugs fixes in "unity-services"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 806248 unity::TimeUtil::TimeDelta returns an int value which overflows after 24 days of uptime 2013-02-15
Launchpad 1036231 Icon resized between 32 - 48 - 64 look jaggy 2012-12-07
Launchpad 772986 Launcher - Unity launcher single missing/invisible/blank icon 2012-12-07
Launchpad 1062283 Unity panel does not show the kate menus in the correct order 2012-12-07
Launchpad 713432 Unity launcher doesn't prompt for password to unlock the device when clicking on a encrypted volume icon 2012-12-07
Launchpad 886778 running applications without an icon use a blank icon 2012-12-07
Launchpad 1035628 Alt+Tab/Alt+grave brings other window to the front but loses focus entirely. 2012-12-07
Launchpad 929712 Missing context menus for Qt apps after minimizing the window 2012-12-07
Launchpad 858540 The dragging of fixed icon results in dragging the icon below or above 2012-12-07
Launchpad 1047385 Update dependency on renamed geis 2012-09-26
Launchpad 982626 [nvidia] compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::GraphicsEngine::QRP_GLSL_Color() from nux::GraphicsEngine::QRP_Color() from nux::BasePainter::PaintBackgr 2012-09-26
Launchpad 734908 Unity is visible on top of fullscreen apps 2012-09-26
Launchpad 886605 Desktop, Launcher and menu bar still visible when screen locked 2012-09-26
Launchpad 980663 Compiz won't start if \ 2012-09-26
Launchpad 988079 Much slower OpenGL frame rates with unityshell loaded, than plain compiz 2012-09-26
Launchpad 1020075 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::ui::EdgeBarrierController::Impl::OnPointerBarrierEvent() 2012-09-26
Launchpad 1031554 [nvidia] unity crashed in nux::GraphicsEngine::QRP_GLSL_1Tex (glDrawArrays) 2012-09-26
Launchpad 1034164 [SRU Regression] Unity 5.14 + Nux 2.14: Launcher tooltips are incomplete/missing 2012-09-26
Launchpad 1035668 [SRU regression] alt-grave not switching to next window unless 'grave' pressed twice 2012-09-26
Launchpad 874230 Refreshing active blur makes the dash painfully slow 2012-09-26

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