
Bugs fixes in "terminator"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1867746 URL highlighting broken with VTE 0.60 2020-04-13
Launchpad 1867746 URL highlighting broken with VTE 0.60 2020-04-13
Launchpad 1253995 Tab with multiple terminals not closed 2014-08-21
Launchpad 1253995 Tab with multiple terminals not closed 2014-08-08
Launchpad 951236 terminator crashed with SIGSEGV in PyEval_EvalFrameEx() 2014-01-24
Launchpad 951236 terminator crashed with SIGSEGV in PyEval_EvalFrameEx() 2013-09-23
Launchpad 691213 Add option to remove the window dimmension from the title 2012-02-01
Launchpad 774035 add a "Open new window" entry in .desktop file for unity integration 2012-02-01

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