
Bugs fixes in "openmotif"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 1187534 motif-clients: unowned files after purge (policy 6.8) 2013-10-28
Launchpad 1187507 (open)motif should properly transition from libmotif3 2013-10-28
Launchpad 1187534 motif-clients: unowned files after purge (policy 6.8) 2013-10-19
Launchpad 1187507 (open)motif should properly transition from libmotif3 2013-10-19
Launchpad 310895 No display manager entry for Motif Window Manager session 2013-01-28
Launchpad 818220 libmotif4 should provide libmotif3 symlinks (libXm.so.3, etc.) 2013-01-28
Launchpad 1026640 [FFe] Please transition openmotif to multi-arch 2013-01-28
Launchpad 310895 No display manager entry for Motif Window Manager session 2013-01-18
Launchpad 818220 libmotif4 should provide libmotif3 symlinks (libXm.so.3, etc.) 2013-01-18
Launchpad 1026640 [FFe] Please transition openmotif to multi-arch 2013-01-18

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