
Bugs fixes in "netbook-launcher"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 863230 Dash and Launcher - As soon as a user starts draggi... 2012-08-07
Launchpad 1003574 Duplicated applications icons on quick application restart 2012-08-07
Launchpad 939436 HUD - Formatting of text in the auto-complete is wrong 2012-08-07
Launchpad 987156 alt-backtick flickers between windows 2012-08-07
Launchpad 1008603 [Hud] The result grid is not drawn in proximity of the search entry. 2012-08-07
Launchpad 1008656 [hud] The last button is not rounded. 2012-08-07
Launchpad 1011507 Hud flickers when show up. 2012-08-07
Launchpad 987674 Dash maximise button changed location 2012-08-07
Launchpad 971421 launcher reordering \ 2012-08-07
Launchpad 1013751 Nothing should be written into the dash/hud searchbar when holding super, ctrl or Alt 2012-08-07
Launchpad 865168 Dash - when a file is dragged from the Dash (Dash home, file lens, or music lens) and dropped on a Launcher icon, the Dash should automatically close 2012-08-07
Launchpad 962408 Wrong keyboard focus after opening workspace switcher via keyboard navigation 2012-08-07
Launchpad 754565 Regression: shift+click on a launcher icon to open a new application instance gone 2012-08-07
Launchpad 994163 Unity launcher shows internal partitions after they have been unmounted 2012-08-07
Launchpad 962651 can't click to dismiss hud in the area where dynamic hud results are meant to apper 2012-08-07
Launchpad 944033 Spread/Scale should exit if Dash is invoked 2012-08-07
Launchpad 1016239 Searching in the HUD freezes unity 2012-08-07
Launchpad 931393 Dash - The search bar gets the focus when pressing invalid keys 2012-08-07
Launchpad 778470 unity crashed with NameError in reset_unity_compiz_profile(): global name 'GError' is not defined 2012-08-07
Launchpad 996604 When number of workspaces is set to 1, the Spread no longer works 2012-08-07

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