
Bugs fixes in "compiz"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 944653 compiz crashed on startup with SIGSEGV in strstr() from GLScreen::GLScreen() 2012-11-28
Launchpad 1057263 gtk-window-decorator leaks large numbers of pixmaps and pixmap memory 2012-11-28
Launchpad 1050610 gtk-window-decorator leaking window handles. Window operations become sluggish after a few days of usage 2012-11-28
Launchpad 976032 Place plugin problem with panel in fullscreen and gnome classic 2012-11-28
Launchpad 974242 Compiz is moving windows against my will 2012-11-28
Launchpad 956986 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV when imgsvg is loaded, in getCompPluginVTable20090315_imgsvg() from dlloaderLoadPlugin() from CompPlugin::load() 2012-11-28
Launchpad 1032902 compiz 1: FTBFS in precise-proposed on armel, armhf 2012-08-15
Launchpad 1032902 compiz 1: FTBFS in precise-proposed on armel, armhf 2012-08-15
Launchpad 1032902 compiz 1: FTBFS in precise-proposed on armel, armhf 2012-08-09
Launchpad 1032902 compiz 1: FTBFS in precise-proposed on armel, armhf 2012-08-09
Launchpad 1019337 gtk-window-decorator crashes with an X Window Syst... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 1019337 gtk-window-decorator crashes with an X Window Syst... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 1019337 gtk-window-decorator crashes with an X Window Syst... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 1019337 gtk-window-decorator crashes with an X Window Syst... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 993608 CMake Error at FindCompiz.cmake:84 (include): inclu... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 929989 compiz (decor) - Warn: failed to bind pixmap to tex... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 963794 gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGFPE in _decor_... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 1005569 [callgrind] compiz spends ~25% of its time constru... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 1007754 gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in meta_... 2012-07-10
Launchpad 1009338 composite refresh rate falls back to 50Hz, which i... 2012-07-10

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