
Bugs fixes in "cloud-init"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 2033310 sru cloud-init (23.3 update) Focal, Jammy, and Lunar 2023-10-06
Launchpad 2027861 cloud-init should delete hook file in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d during upgrade 2023-10-06
Launchpad 2033310 sru cloud-init (23.3 update) Focal, Jammy, and Lunar 2023-10-06
Launchpad 2027861 cloud-init should delete hook file in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d during upgrade 2023-10-06
Launchpad 2033310 sru cloud-init (23.3 update) Focal, Jammy, and Lunar 2023-09-15
Launchpad 2027861 cloud-init should delete hook file in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d during upgrade 2023-09-15
Launchpad 2033310 sru cloud-init (23.3 update) Focal, Jammy, and Lunar 2023-09-15
Launchpad 2027861 cloud-init should delete hook file in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d during upgrade 2023-09-15
Launchpad 2033310 sru cloud-init (23.3 update) Focal, Jammy, and Lunar 2023-09-15
Launchpad 2027861 cloud-init should delete hook file in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d during upgrade 2023-09-15
Launchpad 2028562 NoCloud data in kernel commandline not parsing multiple keys 2023-08-10
Launchpad 2028562 NoCloud data in kernel commandline not parsing multiple keys 2023-08-10
Launchpad 2028562 NoCloud data in kernel commandline not parsing multiple keys 2023-08-10
Launchpad 2028562 NoCloud data in kernel commandline not parsing multiple keys 2023-08-02
Launchpad 2028562 NoCloud data in kernel commandline not parsing multiple keys 2023-08-02
Launchpad 2028562 NoCloud data in kernel commandline not parsing multiple keys 2023-08-02
Launchpad 2025376 apport general hooks break on type annotations 2023-07-14
Launchpad 2025180 23.2: cloudinit.sources.parse_cmdline of ds=nocloud-net on kernel cmdline does not parse hyphens 2023-07-14
Launchpad 2025180 23.2: cloudinit.sources.parse_cmdline of ds=nocloud-net on kernel cmdline does not parse hyphens 2023-07-14
Launchpad 2025376 apport general hooks break on type annotations 2023-06-30

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