
Bugs fixes in "google-osconfig-agent"

Origin Bug number Title Date fixed
Launchpad 2064580 Please update the package to 20240320.00 2024-05-15
Launchpad 2064580 Please update the package to 20240320.00 2024-05-15
Launchpad 2064580 Please update the package to 20240320.00 2024-05-15
Launchpad 2064580 Please update the package to 20240320.00 2024-05-15
Launchpad 2064580 Please update the package to 20240320.00 2024-05-07
Launchpad 2064580 Please update the package to 20240320.00 2024-05-07
Launchpad 2064580 Please update the package to 20240320.00 2024-05-07
Launchpad 2064580 Please update the package to 20240320.00 2024-05-07
CVE CVE-2024-24786 The protojson.Unmarshal function can enter an infinite loop when unmarshaling certain forms of invalid JSON. This condition can occur when unmarshali 2024-04-23
CVE CVE-2024-24786 The protojson.Unmarshal function can enter an infinite loop when unmarshaling certain forms of invalid JSON. This condition can occur when unmarshali 2024-04-23
CVE CVE-2024-24786 The protojson.Unmarshal function can enter an infinite loop when unmarshaling certain forms of invalid JSON. This condition can occur when unmarshali 2024-04-23
CVE CVE-2024-24786 The protojson.Unmarshal function can enter an infinite loop when unmarshaling certain forms of invalid JSON. This condition can occur when unmarshali 2024-04-23
Launchpad 2015501 FFE: update google-osconfig-agent from 20220824.00 to 20230330.00 2023-05-02
Launchpad 2015501 FFE: update google-osconfig-agent from 20220824.00 to 20230330.00 2023-05-02
Launchpad 2015501 FFE: update google-osconfig-agent from 20220824.00 to 20230330.00 2023-05-02
Launchpad 2015501 FFE: update google-osconfig-agent from 20220824.00 to 20230330.00 2023-04-18
Launchpad 1996735 Please update to upstream release 20220824.00 2023-01-24
Launchpad 1996735 Please update to upstream release 20220824.00 2023-01-24
Launchpad 1996735 Please update to upstream release 20220824.00 2023-01-24
Launchpad 1996735 Please update to upstream release 20220824.00 2022-11-24

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