
Package "ubuntu-tweak"

This package belongs to a PPA: Ubuntu-Tweak

Name: ubuntu-tweak


Ubuntu Tweak
Ubuntu Tweak is an application which makes configuring Ubuntu easier for
everyone. It allows tweaking of many useful desktop and system configuration
options which are unavailable via native system tools.

Latest version: 0.8.8-1~trusty1
Release: trusty (14.04)
Level: base
Repository: main


Download "ubuntu-tweak"

Other versions of "ubuntu-tweak" in Trusty

Repository Area Version
PPA: GetDeb Apps 0.8.7-1~getdeb1


Version: 0.8.8-1~trusty1 2014-06-30 14:08:17 UTC

 ubuntu-tweak (0.8.8-1~trusty1) trusty; urgency=low
   * Overview of Changes:
     - Janitor: Cache path of Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird changed to
       ~/.cache (LP #1280540)
     - Add support to clean the cache2 folder for Firefox
   * Bugs fixed
     - Show "Computer Icon" and rename will crash in 14.04 (Bug #1323686)

Source diff to previous version
1280540 Cache path of Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird changed to ~/.cache

Version: 0.8.7-1~trusty2 2014-04-20 15:41:24 UTC

 ubuntu-tweak (0.8.7-1~trusty2) trusty; urgency=low
   * Overview of Changes:
     - Add support for Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr
     - Add Support for Minimize from Unity Launcher
     - Add toggle for Nautilus Recursive Search
   * Bugs fixed
     - Fix the nautilus scripts support for Ubuntu 13.10 and later
     (LP: #1242379)
     - Going to workspace adjustement automatically add keyboard shortcut for
     fade screen (LP: #1240005)
     - Missing options: fonts, desktop icons,window, file manager
     (LP: #1250252)
     - Never crash when sources.list is not parsable (LP: #1246348)

1242379 bug of nautilus scripts setting on Ubuntu 13.10
1240005 Going to workspace adjustement automatically add keyboard shortcut for fade screen
1250252 missing options: fonts, desktop icons,window, file manager
1246348 sources logiciel

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