
Package "braindump"

This package belongs to a PPA: Kubuntu-ppa Backports

Name: braindump


ideas organizer application for the Calligra Suite
BrainDump is a tool to help to organize the ideas from your brain to your

This package is part of the Calligra Suite.

Latest version: 1:2.8.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa5
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: base
Repository: main
Head package: calligra


Download "braindump"

Other versions of "braindump" in Precise

Repository Area Version
base main 1:2.4.0-0ubuntu2
security main 1:2.4.0-0ubuntu2.1
updates main 1:2.4.0-0ubuntu2.1
PPA: Kubuntu Updates 1:2.4.3-0ubuntu1~precise1~ppa1


Version: 1:2.8.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa5 2014-04-30 11:10:53 UTC

 calligra (1:2.8.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa5) precise; urgency=low
   * Precise backport
   * Missing depends for precise

Source diff to previous version

Version: 1:2.8.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa2 2014-03-05 15:09:17 UTC

 calligra (1:2.8.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa2) precise; urgency=medium
   * No lutdocker in precise

Source diff to previous version

Version: 1:2.7.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.3~ppa5 2013-08-06 06:09:01 UTC

 calligra (1:2.7.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.3~ppa5) precise; urgency=low
   * Change debian/rules to get rid
     of kritalutdocker.so due to opencolorio not possible
     to backport

Source diff to previous version

Version: 1:2.7.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa2 2013-07-19 02:08:48 UTC

 calligra (1:2.7.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa2) precise; urgency=low
   * No lutdocker without opencolorio

Source diff to previous version

Version: 1:2.6.1-0ubuntu5~ubuntu12.04.2~ppa2 2013-03-05 01:08:47 UTC

 calligra (1:2.6.1-0ubuntu5~ubuntu12.04.2~ppa2) precise; urgency=medium
   * re-upload with medium urgency to get it built

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