
Package "triplea"

This package belongs to a PPA: GetDeb Games

Name: triplea


Turn based strategy game
TripleA is a turn based strategy game. TripleA comes with multiple
games and over 100 more games can be downloaded from the user
community. Supports single player vs AI, hot-seat, Play by Email,
and a hosted online lobby.

Latest version:
Release: precise (12.04)
Level: getdeb
Repository: games
Homepage: http://triplea.sourceforge.net


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Other versions of "triplea" in Precise

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Version: 2014-04-04 03:10:23 UTC

triplea ( precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream version
    * Created new step property option, "repairPlayers", which will allow a
    player to repair the units owned by a different player. (veqryn)
    * Fixed issue where your move phase was skipped if the only unit you
    owned was a land unit in a transport. (veqryn)
    * Allowing land units to receive repairing and bonus movement from
    neighboring sea zone sea units. (veqryn)
    * Units on transports no longer are able to repair other units, allow
    scrambling, or give movement to other units. (veqryn)
    * Fixed issue where a unit that dies from rockets, still participates in
    subsequent strategic bombing battle. (veqryn)
    * Fixed issue with allied land units in friendly transports and allied
    air on friendly carriers losing their movement when their
    transport/carrier moved. (veqryn)
    * Fixing issue with allied land units starting game loaded on friendly
    transports, could not offload until at least one non-combat phase had
    passed. (veqryn)
    * Deleted global game option property, "Allied Air Dependents", and
    replaced with its inverse, "Allied Air Independent". (veqryn)
    * Added menu option under 'Export" menu, called "Export Unit Charts",
    which will create an html document showing all units in the game and
    their properties and cost. (veqryn)
    * Created an new menu option under the 'Help' menu called "Unit Help",
    which will display a table of all units, by player, including all unit
    properties. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug in relationship attachment property change by trigger.
    * Deleting phase step property option, "resetUnitState", and replacing
    with "resetUnitStateAtEnd" and "resetUnitStateAtStart". (frogg)
    * Making createsUnitsList ability choose a random territory when
    producing to a neighboring territory. (veqryn)
    * Fixing bugs in AI's where factories were on water zones that had no
    territory attachment. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug where a stalemate battle with carriers that can be damaged
    and when damaged don't let planes land, were not letting defending planes
    move to land. (veqryn)
    * Deleting game option property "Unescorted Transport Dies", as it no
    longer does anything. (veqryn)
    * Cleanup of HeadlessGameServer classes. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bugs in Placement, which were allowing infinite placement of sea
    units which were constructions. (veqryn)
    * Some updates for 'Great War' world war 1 map, and Pact of Steel 2.
    * Possible fix for "Could not stop delegate execution" bug. (veqryn)
    * Fixed possible bug where a corrupted game save had the initialization
    delegate get called more than once. (veqryn)
    * Adding a new AI called "Hard AI". Also renamed AI's: EZ Fodder -> Easy
    AI, Moore N Able -> Medium AI, Dynamix -> Land Only AI. (redrum)
    * Fix for infinite crash-reload loop on loading a corrupt autosave on a
    host bot. (veqryn)
    * Fixed issue with Victory trigger not being able to use html properly.
    * Fixed illegal state exception error in landing paratroopers during a
    battle. (veqryn)
    * Possibly final fix for a game hang / frozen bot on game launch.

 -- Jhonny Oliveira Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:50:15 +0200

Version: 2014-03-04 00:09:06 UTC

triplea ( precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream version
    * Adding new sci-fi sound for "future" era. (pulicat, cernel, veqryn)
    * Allowing "NONE" as a valid option value in sounds.properties file.
    * Fixed null pointer exception in Moore AI for water based factories.
    * Fixed bid delegate so that it will still run even if the player has no
    resources other than the bid amount. (veqryn)
    * Fixed possible null pointer exception in Triggered Victory which is
    triggered from outside of the end round delegate. (veqryn)
    * Making TransportTracker a static implementation to clean up the engine
    a little bit. (veqryn)
    * Fixing various bugs in Global 1940, ww2v3, v4, v5, and v6. (veqryn)
    * Created new Player Rule Attachment, "immuneToBlockade", which will
    prevent blockade production loss for that player. (veqryn)
    * Allowed 1940's paratroopers tech (ariborne combat) to move to / attack
    territories that have been blitz or already conquered this turn. (veqryn)
    * Allowed 1940's paratroopers tech (airborne combat) to move from allied
    bases, and to allow travel over water. (veqryn)
    * Created new step properties for special move delegates, "airborneMove",
    which controls if it is an Airborne Combat move phase. (veqyrn)
    * Adding some more pre-industrial sounds. (pulicat)
    * Allowed muting of custom aa gun sounds and custom notification,
    victory, and defeat sounds. (veqryn)
    * Created resource image factory for making images and icons of
    resources. (veqryn)
    * Fixed user interface to allow purchasing resources. (veqryn)
    * Fixing engine to allow purchase rules for purchasing resources.
    * Fixed memory leak in repair rules for repairing factories. (veqryn)
    * Creating a menu option in the "File" menu called "Post PBEM/PBF
    Gamesave...", which will for pbem games post/email the savegame to the
    forum, without having to wait for the end turn phase. (veqryn)
    * Changing trigger "notification" to use "players". (veqryn)
    * Changing unit attachment property, "repairsUnits", to allow multiple
    and to have repair values associated with each unit, thereby allowing
    units to be repaired by X amount each turn. (veqryn)
    * Created new unitPlacement attribute, "unitDamage", which will let a
    unit start with bombing factory damage. (veqryn)
    * Created new unitPlacement attribute, "hitsTaken", which will let a unit
    start damaged. (veqryn)
    * Deleting game option property, "SBR Affects Unit Production", and
    simplifying the engine to only use direct unit damage. (veqryn)
    * Getting units with different bombing unit damage to not stack. (veqryn)
    * Allowing selection of casualties for multiple hit units to allow damage
    points past one. (veqryn)
    * Getting "hitPoints" to work in the graphical user interface. (veqryn)
    * Getting "hitPoints" to work on the back end inside the engine. (veqryn)
    * Created new unit attachment property, "hitPoints", which sets the
    number of hitpoints a unit has, and also deleted property "isTwoHit".
    * Allowing sounds to be played by trigger, by putting "_sounds" after a
    duplicate of the Notification message key, with the value equal to
    "notification_" or "victory_" or "defeat_" + the sound key found in the
    sounds.properties file. (veqryn)
    * Added logfile "dump" command for host bots, that will from the command
    line print out all status, connection, memory, and thread information to
    the log. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to mute and/or boot players in a host
    bot, remotely. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to see the player connections in any
    host game. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to see chatlog of a host bot remotely.
    * Adding a new autosave, 'autosave2', which will take turns being saved
    to with 'autosave'. (veqyrn)
    * Changing movement validation to disallow moving from a contested battle
    territory into an enemy territory. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug with a territory owned by one player but having enemy units
    in it, if the owned reconquers the territory it is no longer marked as
    newly-conquered. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug preventing sounds inside a zipped map from playing if the
    zipped map file path had any spaces or special characters in it. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug preventing phase sounds from playing more than once in a
    non-pbem game. (veqryn)
    * Creating an option to select local players and AI's for PBEM games.
    AI's will not post/email the turn summary and savegame at the ends of
    their turns however. (veqryn)
    * Fixing bug with host bots where disabling players, quitting, then
    reloading and disabling even more players, resulted in game crash.
    * Disallowing previously disabled players from being re-enabled after a
    game has started. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug with moderator lobby unbanning utility. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to ban players inside a host bot,
    remotely. (veqryn)
    * Created ability for lobby admins to stop game on a host bot remotely.
    * Created ability for lobby admins to shut down a host bot remotely.
    * Created new option for host bots, "triplea.lobby.game.supportPassword",
    which when set will allow remote actions on the host bot from the lobby
    admins. (veqryn)
    * Created new option for host bots, "triplea.lobby.game.reconnection",
    which will set the time between lobby reconnection refreshes, with the
    minimum and default being 6 hours. (veqryn)
    * Created new game option property, "Disabled Players Assets Deleted",
    which will delete all units and resources from a disabled unused player
    during game startup. (veqryn)
    * Allowing clients to disable and enable players for host bots, but not
    normal hosts

Version: 2013-05-22 19:09:27 UTC

triplea ( precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream version
    * Got headless game to show options to client's, for changing the game,
    changing to an autosave, sending a save to the server, and getting the
    savegame from the host. (veqryn)
    * Got headless game to restart its lobby connection once per 8 hours.
    * Got headless game server to be able to connect to lobby, and host games
    repeatedly without requiring any UI or swing event thread. Also got to
    immediately reload autosave when a player quits. (veqryn)
    * Got headless game server to be able to pick games, and have a mini-ui
    for hosting and for during the game. (veqryn)
    * Got headless game server to be able to host minimap, with the game
    screen headless. (veqryn)
    * First pass at setting up framework for a headless game server. (veqryn)
    * Preventing AA units with maxRoundsAA from getting removed early from
    battle. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug causing Random Territory Start delegate to fail in online
    games due to requesting dice too quickly. (veqryn)
    * Updating Great War ww1 map and xml, to improve options and balance.
    * Updating packaged JRE to Java 7 update 21 for x86. (veqryn)
    * Made fuelCost no longer charge for allied air dependants, paratroopers,
    and owned air on owned fighters not making an attack. (veqryn)
    * Created new game option property, "Use Fuel Cost", which will control
    if we charge for fuel in our movement. (veqryn)
    * Added an option to turn off the end of turn report, into the game menu
    bar. (veqryn)
    * Changed engine preference for max memory into a "system.ini" file, that
    way a user can delete or reinstall TripleA if they screw up. (veqryn)
    * Created new engine preference option to set the maximum memory used for
    triplea, for joining, hosting, and also an option to have triplea always
    restart with higher memory maximum. (veqryn)
    * Created new option in engine preferences to show engine log console,
    and also had the console show current memory usage. (veqryn)
    * Reducing maximum memory to 896mb, down from 1024mb, in order to stop
    these errors from happening, and not allowing engine to add 20% to this
    when joining online games or hosting. (veqryn)
    * Figuring out some user's Java jvm's and/or the JRE included with
    triplea, only allow up to xmx 1024mb of memory maximum, and that the
    program completely fails when going over this limit, often causing the
    user to be unable to join or host games online. (veqryn & diaz)
    * Fixing some lock not held errors. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug causing triggered notifications to not use local images when
    shown on a client computer. (veqryn)
    * Not allowing scrambling question when only and SBR raid is in a
    territory and scramble to SBR is turned off. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug causing Territory Effects to not be applied at all, ever.
    Also fixed possible issue with 'choose best roll' in low luck. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug causing national objectives which rewarded players on a
    per-territory basis using the "each" modifier to not work. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug causing paratrooping land units who's air transports were hit
    by AA fire to not be removed from the battle. (veqryn)
    * Fixed possible null pointer in color chooser for color property, which
    occurred when chosing the color for map text. (veqryn)

 -- Christoph Korn Tue, 21 May 2013 23:06:56 +0200

Version: 2013-05-05 22:10:34 UTC

triplea ( precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream version
    * New attachment properties for Triggers, Politics, and User Actions:
    "chanceIncrementOnFailure" and "chanceDecrementOnSuccess" which will
    modify the "chance" value. (veqryn)
    * Fixing fuelCost to not be charged for units in transports. (veqryn)
    * Major changes to both the map and the placements and the rules for
    "Great War" world war one game. (veqryn)
    * Implemented all sounds through
    IDelegateBridge.getSoundChannelBroadcaster().playSoundForAll() or through
    DefaultSoundChannel.playSoundOnLocalMachine() for a few local sounds like
    slapping in chat. (veqryn)
    * Created new channel broadcaster for use with playing sounds on both
    server machine and client machines. (veqryn)
    * Created user interface element for RandomStartDelegate, so that players
    can pick which territory they want and what units they want in it.
    * Gave all AIs methods to pick territories, and they will attempt to
    focus on a single area of the board. (veqryn)
    * Created new game option property, "Territories Are Assigned Randomly",
    which determines if territories are randomly assigned or picked by
    players during RandomStartDelegate. (veqryn)
    * Created new delegate, "RandomStartDelegate", which will allow for
    randomly assigned territories or territories chosen in turn order.
    * Fixed problem where territory names that were parseable integers could
    not allow any territory based conditions. I still recommend territories
    have a non integer character in them though. (veqryn)
    * Fixed null pointer error in signalGameOver when called by a trigger for
    a game that has never reached the end round step. (veqryn)
    * Minor adjustment to retain capital produce number methods to allow a
    value of zero. (flaaargle)
    * Created user interface element for the User Action Delegate, based on
    the existing politics interface. (veqryn)
    * Created new delegate, "UserActionDelegate", which will allow nations to
    take any kind of condition/trigger based action. (veqryn)
    * Created new text file, "actionstext.properties", which contains action
    text for the user interface for taking user actions, similar to
    politicstext.properties. (veqryn)
    * Added new property, "activateTrigger", to UserActionAttachment, which
    will fire a trigger when the nation takes this action. (veqryn)
    * Added properties for conditions, conditionType, invert, chance, costPU,
    text, actionAccept, and attemptsPerTurn to the User Action Attachment.
    * Created new attachment, "UserActionAttachment", which holds actions
    that can be taken by a player, based on an abstraction of the political
    action attachment. (veqryn)
    * New Condition Attachment property option, "gameProperty", which can be
    set equal to the exact string of any boolean game property option,
    including custom made up ones. (veqryn)
    * Created new AI specially for multiplayer free-for-all games, "Does
    Nothing AI", which will buy units the first round then destroy all money
    all subsequent rounds, along with doing nothing else. (veqryn)
    * Abstracted methods to find the power and rolls of units into a single
    method. (veqryn)
    * Fixed issue with Marine amphibious attackers showing a bonus on the
    battle screen even when attacking via land. (veqryn)
    * Fixed null pointer error in Strong AI (Moore AI). (veqryn)
    * Getting the UnitSupportAttachment faction option to handle both allied
    and enemy, thereby allowing giving positive or negative support to enemy
    units. (veqryn)
    * Getting the UnitSupportAttachment dice option to handle both strength
    and roll, thereby allowing giving extra rolls to units. (veqryn)
    * Changing defending submarines to fire after all attacking units under
    classic rules, where property Defending Subs Sneak Attack is false.
    * Created new button, "Order of Losses", in the battle calculator, which
    will all you to put in a text script of which casualties to select in
    what order. (veqryn)
    * Added option to retreat in battle calculator when we are losing, which
    is approximated by seeing if our 'meta-power' is lower than the
    opponent's. (veqryn)
    * Created new image utility, TileImageReconstructor, which will recreate
    an image based on base tiles or relief tiles and/or draw a polygons file
    onto an image. (veqryn)
    * Adding a visual log to AutoPlacementFinder and TileImageBreaker, and
    getting the AutoPlacementFinder to cut out at a max of about 50
    placements per territory. (veqryn)
    * Changed unit attachment "isMarine" to allow for integers instead of
    boolean. (veqryn)
    * Updated default casualty selection to take territory effects into
    consideration. (veqryn)
    * Updating web poster to keep track of many entered websites, and save
    them all to the local cache but not to the savegame. (veqryn)
    * Created new unit attachment property, "canAirBattle", which determines
    if a unit participates in a normal battle's air battle. (veqryn)
    * Allowing defense to ground their planes before an air battle (preceding
    a normal battle) if withdrawing is turned on, however if the territory is
    lost they die. (veqryn)
    * Fixed battle screen null pointer errors caused by maps with artillery
    units but no supportable units. Also fixed bug where maps without notes
    could not be closed. (veqryn)
    * Allowed AA Gun type units to fire back in same round if killed by other
    AA Gun type units. (veqryn)
    * Added new steps to must fight battle so that offensive aa guns will
    work correctly. (veqryn)
    * Created new unit attachment properties, "offensiveAttackAA" and
    "offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides", which will be used by offensive aa guns.
    * Created new unit attachment property, "m

Version: 2013-02-17 16:09:04 UTC

triplea ( precise; urgency=low

  * New upstream version
    * Adding dotted lines to the LOTR Middle Earth map, to show connections
    over rivers. (veqryn)
    * Not showing tech in stats panel if game xml does not have any
    technologies. (veqryn)
    * Created new stepProperty, "turnSummaryPlayers", which holds a list of
    players for whom we will include their turn summary information in the
    forum/email post. (veqryn)
    * Created new stepProperty, "skipPosting", which when true will skip the
    forum posting for that EndTurn type step. (veqryn)
    * Created new xml option type "stepProperty" for a step (gamePlay -
    sequence), which can hold small options for modifying a delegate step.
    * Adding some more sounds for ancient/classical era. (veqryn)
    * Adding some more ww2 sounds and national anthems for main players.
    * Allowing air movement over neutrals and enemy territories so long as
    movement over neutrals is allowed, and no nonparatrooping units are
    present. (veqryn)
    * Creating caching mechanism for sound clips, so that there are never
    more than 24 sound clips being held in memory. This should prevent errors
    in MacOS and Linux, which can not handle having large number of sound
    clips open at same time. This may however result in a delay before
    hearing clips, and still could result in errors if clips are really long.
    * Fixed null pointer error for a trigger based game property change of a
    field that starts out as null. (veqryn)
    * Fixed bug in strategic bombing that allowed strategic bombing of units
    that can be damaged, which were also being transported. (veqryn)
    * Adding scroll bars to notification messages window. (veqryn)
    * Increasing max memory from 640mb to 768mb, and up to 896mb for online
    games. (veqryn)
    * Moved all sounds to a specific "era" folder (ww2, preindustrial,
    classical, future) and changing how sounds are found again, so that there
    should no longer be any need for duplicate sound files. Now all sounds
    should come with TripleA, and you can use the "sounds.properties" file to
    cherry pick which sounds you want. (veqryn)
    * Created a "sounds.properties" file which allows you to specify which
    era of sounds (ww2, preindustrial, classical, future) you are using, and
    also set up custom sound choices for each sound location path. (veqryn)
    * Getting TripleA Map Panel to center on the capital of a player,
    whenever we switch to a new player's phase. (veqryn)
    * Changing getBoundingRect and createTerritoryImage and getTiles so that
    any polygons on the right or bottom will be translated to be on the
    negative left or top, hopefully solving issue where the mini territory
    image was not being displayed properly for territories on both sides of a
    map divide. (frigoref)
    * Abstracting the Stats panels into AbstractStatPanel so that extending
    Stats panel (and all of its overhead) is no longer necessary for the
    EconomyPanel, ObjectivePanel, TerritoryDetailPanel, and other panels.
    * Changing Tech Stats Panel to use small flag images for column headers
    instead of the first letter of nation names. (veqryn)
    * Fixing bugs with placing constructions in sea zones. Now constructions
    can only be "produced" by the territory they are going into. (veqryn)
    * Adding a lot more sounds to the engine (zim xero) and some sounds
    specific to napoleonic empires. (hepster & veqryn)
    * Added tutorial on how to make a map and/or map skin. (veqryn)
    * Allowing for Sea Factories, and Air Factories, to produce from owned
    sea zones. (veqryn)
    * Added UPnP support to TripleA, so that TripleA will now attempt to
    Forward Ports for the user. This means users should no longer have to do
    port forwarding themselves to be able to host a game online. (veqryn)
    * Created framework for using UPnP library, and UI component for user.
    * Added java library for Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) to TripleA.
    * Created new HotKey, "N", which when pressed during a movement phase,
    will cycle through all units with available movement left, focusing the
    map on the unit. (veqryn)
    * Created new HotKey, "I", which when pressed will create a popup for 5
    seconds showing all the info about the unit and/or territory your mouse
    is currently over. (veqryn)
    * Allowing the map to be scrolled by using the arrow keys and/or WASD.
    * Added original owner, whenCapturedByGoesTo, captureUnitOnEnteringBy,
    and changeUnitOwners to the Territory tooltip and territory tab info.
    * Fixing Move Panel and Place Panel so that Undoing a move or place will
    not result in scrolling back to the top, and will instead scroll to make
    sure that the move under the undoed move is still visible. (veqryn)
    * Allowing all sounds to have a player associated with them. Just name
    the sound "_". If the player sound does not
    exist, it will use the default non-player sound. (veqryn)
    * Added a ton more new sounds to the engine. (veqryn)
    * Changed Sounds so that instead of specific sound files, the engine will
    search for specific sound folder. The engine will then randomly select a
    sound in that folder and play it. This allows for randomized sounds.
    * Made sure any clicking or dragging gives focus to the main map panel
    area. Also ensuring that if focus goes to the tabs panel tabs, that the
    focus goes back to the map. (veqryn)
    * Created new game option property, "Submarines Defending May Submerge Or
    Retreat", which will allow defending submarines to submerge or retreat to
    a friendly neighboring sea zone. (veqryn)
    * Deleting game option property, "Hari-Kari Units", since it doesn't do
    anything at this point. (veqryn)
    * Deleting game option prope

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