
Package "gce-compute-image-packages"

Moved to trusty:universe:updates

Name: gce-compute-image-packages


GCE's compute-image-packages for use in their guest environment

Latest version: *DELETED*
Release: trusty (14.04)
Level: proposed
Repository: universe
Homepage: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-image-packages


Download "gce-compute-image-packages"

Other versions of "gce-compute-image-packages" in Trusty

Repository Area Version
security universe 20190315-0ubuntu1~14.04.0
updates universe 20190315-0ubuntu1~14.04.0

Packages in group

Deleted packages are displayed in grey.


Version: *DELETED* 2020-06-05 17:07:15 UTC
Moved to trusty:universe:updates
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 20190315-0ubuntu1~14.04.0 2019-04-25 21:08:48 UTC

  gce-compute-image-packages (20190315-0ubuntu1~14.04.0) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Trusty with the following remaining changes:
    - Revert ordering shutdown scripts after snapd.service.
    - Revert adding /snap/bin to PATH for startup/shutdown scripts
    - Revert to using dh-systemd because Trusty does not have the debhelper
    - Build-depend on libboost-regex-dev for regex support
      version making dh-systemd obsolete
    - Link with boost for regex support
    - Free tests from C++11 constructs to let them being compiled without
      C++11 support
    - debian/rules: Handle all upstart services in override_dh_installinit
    - Clean up obsoleted services for upstart, too
    - Manage upstart scripts in postinst/preinst/prerm
  * Refresh patches
  * debian/rules: Work around dh-python ignoring PYBUILD_DIR
  * debian/rules: rm -rf .pybuild/ because dh_clean does not do it

Version: *DELETED* 2019-02-18 12:06:19 UTC
Moved to trusty:universe:updates
No changelog for deleted or moved packages.

Version: 20190124+dfsg1-0ubuntu1~14.04.0 2019-01-25 11:06:19 UTC

  gce-compute-image-packages (20190124+dfsg1-0ubuntu1~14.04.0) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild for Trusty

Source diff to previous version

Version: 20181206+dfsg1-0ubuntu1~14.04.0 2019-01-07 17:06:24 UTC

  gce-compute-image-packages (20181206+dfsg1-0ubuntu1~14.04.0) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Trusty with the following remaining changes:
    - Revert ordering shutdown scripts after snapd.service.
    - Revert adding /snap/bin to PATH for startup/shutdown scripts
    - Revert to using dh-systemd because Trusty does not have the debhelper
    - Build-depend on libboost-regex-dev for regex support
      version making dh-systemd obsolete
    - Link with boost for regex support
    - Free tests from C++11 constructs to let them being compiled without
      C++11 support
    - debian/rules: Handle all upstart services in override_dh_installinit
    - Clean up obsoleted services for upstart, too
    - Manage upstart scripts in postinst/preinst/prerm
  * Restore switch to using NOOP as the default scheduler that was lost in
  * Simply add -lboost_regex to LIBS instead of fixing Makefile and passing it
    from debian/rules. Setting -Wl,-z,defs broke the prior solution and
    upstreaming the Makefile fix did not go smooth anyway.

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