
Package "browser-plugin-libreoffice"

Name: browser-plugin-libreoffice


office productivity suite -- Mozilla plugin

Latest version: 1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2
Release: trusty (14.04)
Level: base
Repository: universe
Head package: libreoffice
Homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org


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Other versions of "browser-plugin-libreoffice" in Trusty

Repository Area Version
security universe 1:4.2.8-0ubuntu5.5
updates universe 1:4.2.8-0ubuntu5.5


Version: 1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2 2014-04-10 01:07:27 UTC

  libreoffice (1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium

  * revert 7dba6e0a, to at least let LibreOffice start on KDE4 (LP: #1300283)
 -- Bjoern Michaelsen <email address hidden> Wed, 09 Apr 2014 14:07:13 +0200

Source diff to previous version
1300283 LibreOffice does not start in a KDE 4 session

Version: 1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu1 2014-04-08 11:07:01 UTC

  libreoffice (1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * apply fix for recent file menu (LP: #1008277)
  * bump version for new upstream rc
  * we dont care for stderr in the autopkgtest configure
 -- Bjoern Michaelsen <email address hidden> Sat, 05 Apr 2014 13:34:25 +0200

Source diff to previous version
1008277 [upstream] Recent menu botches file names

Version: 1:4.2.3~rc2-0ubuntu1 2014-03-30 00:07:34 UTC

  libreoffice (1:4.2.3~rc2-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Ritesh Khadgaray ]
  * fix symlink permissions (lp: #1200277)

  [ Bjoern Michaelsen ]
  * package libreoffice-help-en-us again (LP: #1288378)
  * make ConnectivityTools a normal target, so we can pack it
  * build libreoffice-subsequentcheckbase again
  * fix tests/junit-subsequentcheck
  * reenable junit
  * strip down -subsequentcheck deps
  * kill sensible-lomua.diff -- ExternalMailer should be good enough on all DEs
    now (LP: #1217191)
  * add jdk dep to -subsequentcheckbase
  * tweak java.library.path for autopkgtest
  * use gio when possible (LP: #1253620)
  * reenable Ubuntu palette
  * backport patch for fdo#74981 from 4.2.4
 -- Bjoern Michaelsen <email address hidden> Wed, 26 Mar 2014 00:30:50 +0100

Source diff to previous version
1200277 [LibreOffice] - libreoffice-writer.desktop when drag/drop to desktop, 100% broken.
1288378 libreoffice-help-en-us no longer built
1217191 \
1253620 Can't open a LibreOffice native file via CIFS share

Version: 1:4.2.1-0ubuntu1 2014-02-27 20:07:12 UTC

  libreoffice (1:4.2.1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low

  * bump to new upstream release
  * update patch queue
  * remove adjust-PackageInfo-for-zip-files.diff - upstreamed
  * remove fix-ppc-build.diff - upstreamed
  * remove speedup-install-foo.diff - upstreamed
  * fix postprocess deps
 -- Bjoern Michaelsen <email address hidden> Wed, 19 Feb 2014 23:05:41 +0100

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