
Bugs addressed in recent updates

All Launchpad Ubuntu Debian CVE

Origin Bug number Title Packages
CVE CVE-2023-52601 In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: jfs: fix array-index-out-of-bounds in dbAdjTree Currently there is a bound chec linux linux-starfive-6.5 linux-riscv-6.5 linux-hwe-6.5 linux-oracle-6.5 linux-gcp-6.5 linux-azure-6.5 linux-aws-6.5 linux-starfive linux-riscv linux-laptop linux-starfive linux-riscv linux-laptop linux linux-oem-6.5 linux-starfive-6.5 linux-riscv-6.5 linux-hwe-6.5 linux-oracle-6.5 linux-gcp-6.5 linux-azure-6.5 linux-aws-6.5 linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.5 linux-oem-6.5 linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.5
CVE CVE-2024-4340 Passing a heavily nested list to sqlparse.parse() leads to a Denial of Service due to RecursionError. sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse sqlparse
Launchpad 2064667 [SRU] libreoffice 24.2.3 for noble libreoffice libreoffice
Launchpad 2060732 [SRU] ubuntu-advantage-tools (31 -\u003e 32) Xenial, Bionic, Focal, Jammy, Mantic ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-advantage-tools
Launchpad 2060992 aws: Support hibernation on Graviton linux-aws-6.5 linux-aws-5.15 linux-aws-6.5
Launchpad 2065037 dhcpcd is called before interfaces have carrier causing a 29 seconds boot delay initramfs-tools
Launchpad 2058330 Update amd-pmf for AMD strix series linux-oem-6.8
Launchpad 2058331 Update amd_sfh for AMD strix series linux-oem-6.8
Launchpad 2058333 daisy chained thunderbolt devices not working at reboot on AMD strix platforms linux-oem-6.8
Launchpad 2065365 AMD Strix s2idle failure due to AMD VPE driver init linux-oem-6.8
Launchpad 2038249 The dump file parsing issue arises from structural changes in Linux kernel 6.2 crash crash
Launchpad 2055718 timezone changed unexpectedly from EST to America/Adak or America/Indiana/Indianapolis tzdata tzdata tzdata
Launchpad 2057716 SRU of ubuntu-dev-tools 0.201ubuntu2 ubuntu-dev-tools ubuntu-dev-tools
Launchpad 2061017 lxd-installer: permission error not handled and lxd snap not installed lxd-installer
Launchpad 2060858 [SRU] rqsh fails to run librdf-query-perl librdf-query-perl librdf-query-perl librdf-query-perl
Launchpad 2065349 [SRU] Default user created by cloud-init confuses WSLg wsl-setup
Launchpad 2064926 dhcpcd stuck for 5 Minutes (300 Seconds) during Boot Process (LUKS/Clevis Autounlock) dhcpcd dhcpcd
Launchpad 2065141 AMD CPU type 0x70f40 (ext family 0xa) unknown rr rr rr
Launchpad 2065051 [SRU] Migrate Pi users to KMS ubuntu-release-upgrader ubuntu-release-upgrader
Launchpad 2065229 Upgrades to 24.04 LTS should be temporarily prevented for TPM FDE systems ubuntu-release-upgrader ubuntu-release-upgrader

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